Cover-up! Current Events

Yeah, pardon


Republicans across the board are spiking the political football after President Joe Biden’s Department of Energy admitted that the coronavirus, originating in Wuhan, China, likely stemmed from a lab leak.

Are you Lefties just too pathologically narcissistic to apologize? I suspect that most of you are.

Make no mistake…

Those of us who are not mindlessly bleating Lefty sheep are simply not a bit surprised. Not. One. Bit. We have been saying this for a LONG time. And finally, even the Biden government bows to reality and admits it!

Corruption Justice

Fine. Let’s see

it happen. Until then:

Evil Clown Incompetence

It’s been an

utter Joe Biden Bungle™ from the beginning. I’m not sure he cares at all about those poor people whose lives have been ruined! Nor does he care about the environmental damage.

And it could be YOU

Neither Biden nor Pete Buttigieg are even remotely competent! That much is QUITE clear. I mean train wrecks happen. But one would hope that the response wouldn’t be so inept and amateurish.

Elections can have unforeseen and very unfortunate consequences…

Epic fail Hypocrisy

Yes, Lefties are

quick to strut and preen and pontificate when they live in a safely Conservative and securely defended enclave. Sure, they don’t have either guns or intact reality testing. But their neighbors have both!

“Defund the police? Oh sure, but of course I have hired private security!”

But of course, while these folks do indeed sympathize with the rioters and miscreants, they just won’t move to Portland. Of course.

Don’t fall for what they say, believe what they do!

It’s the ultimate NIMBY! They love Leftism–just not where they live.

Political philosophy

I agree that

Democrats have gone nuts! Sensible people just won’t cotton to such crapola.

In the past, one could be both sensible and a Democrat. But those days are pretty much gone. You get some who call themselves Democrats out of a wistful memory of the past, but the modern party, if examined at all, quickly disabuses a moral and thinking person of such mushy-headed thinking.



Do you have any good stock tips?”

Bad Faith Dishonesty


doesn’t want at admit it!

And honestly, who could blame him? NO ONE with a smidgeon of good sense wants to admit it–they work HARD to blur those lines!

You’ve heard the mouth noises: I’m a moderate–not extreme about anything. Oh, and: I’m just a pragmatist–I am in favor of what works. And the ever-blooming: I am too independent of a thinker to be pigeonholed in that way.

Have you not figured out that these are ALL obfuscations? They are the pathetic bleatings of a Leftist who wants to hide his or her Leftism. End of story.

Civil Rights Despotism Evil

Please, don’t

EVER forget!

Current Events

As a disabled person

in a wheelchair, I’ve really come to appreciate what people have done to make the world so wheelchair accessible.

Dishonesty Immorality

It really is a

government (and Democrat) scandal!

President Joe Biden accused Trump of fanning racism in his criticism of the Chinese government over the pandemic and his Administration reportedly shutdown the State Department investigation into the possible lab origins of the virus. 

And yet TRUMP WAS RIGHT! Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it, Lefties!

That is why this is really about censorship. 

Yes, yes it is. And Lefties, YOU were on the immoral side of this! Now apologize!