Current Events

It’s Groundhog


Tell me again, how many more balloons does Biden have left on his contract?

Political philosophy

Socialism in

in one photo:


Hey, if “fake”

is the order of the day…

Bad Faith

Yeah, but they

made people FEEL good!

Current Events

Oh, you might be

Black and gay, but what you say might still bite you in the butt!

Never. Woke. Enough. NEVER!

Now don’t get me wrong, he was a total idiot to say what he did. But also understand well that Leftism tends to eat its own.

And a classic:


Oh man, wouldn’t

THAT be nice!

Current Events Leftugees Lefty Rigidity

One word:


Beyond dollars and cents, politics also appears to have a role in inter-state migration. The 15 bluest states, for instance, lost roughly 1% of their population from 2020 to 2022, according to the Cook Partisan Voter Index, while the 15 reddest states gained 1.1% at the same time. 

People flee crappy government. Can Lefties really be so dense as to not understand that? No, this is not mere ignorance, at least at the top, it is will.

And what we are seeing is the movement of the most conservative–they realize that the old Leftism stinks and they tend to be more conservative (on average) than the populations to which they flee. And that makes sense–it is hard to move and you have to be pretty motivated to do so. There are a zillion details to deal with, both great and small.

So Florida and Texas get more “red,” while California, New York, and Illinois get more “blue” (by default). And non-Portland Oregonians don’t flee, but accomplish the same thing by trying to change the state borders and create a “Greater Idaho.”

Tale as old as time–when the ruling class becomes intolerable, there is a very natural division of the people. One group flees–the two groups can no longer live together.

That’s why Federalism is so important–it allows people of different beliefs to nevertheless stay united, without force. And the Left has desperately tried to tear down Federalism, relying instead on force and coercion.


Look, humans

were MADE to eat meat! Anyone who tells you differently is either intentionally or unintentionally giving you bad information. Just look in the mirror at your teeth–omnivore.

I really believe that people can and should decide for themselves what to eat and not eat. Everyone can choose for themselves. THAT is just how I roll.

But the scientific data are quite clear. The best information we have is that a vegetarian or (horrors!) vegan diet is just not optimal for human beings.

Yes, with careful supplementation and care, a person can thrive being vegetarian or perhaps even vegan. Yeah, maybe. But in terms of natural foods, humans are omnivores.

Hypocrisy Media Flying Monkeys

The ante has

been raised. And the MSM is totally up for the challenge!

You see, the story here isn’t that a man and his surrogates scammed a state into electing him when he wasn’t healthy enough to do the job. The story is just how courageous he is for not being able to do his job. Apparently, the US Senate is now a rehab facility for people with long-standing (and previously undisclosed) severe clinical depression. Never mind that Fetterman’s stroke has left him very clearly permanently damaged in a way that will keep him from ever truly representing his constituents.

… What truly blows my mind, though, is that these are the same press outlets that reported on Donald Trump walking down a ramp slowly and holding a glass of water with two hands, as if it was grounds for forced removal from office. Meanwhile, they pretend that Fetterman is just fine and shouldn’t resign despite how obvious it is that he’s not going to recover. The hypocrisy is off the charts.

Current Events

Funny how

an “Eat Me Last!“approach eventually hit its limits, eh?