Biden-induced misery

Oh how nice!

Thanks, Biden. And thanks, Biden voters. Way to go, champ…

Age-related decline

Kinda funny

how that is, eh?

Almost overnight, Biden’s age, mental state, memory, and health changed from the elephant in the room to a topic that is now acceptable for Democrats and the media to discuss. Hey, how about the rest of us who noticed all of this a long time ago?

…seemingly overnight, discussing Joe Biden’s age, memory, and mental state isn’t “gross, lowest-common-denominator politics” anymore!

… The most generous interpretation is that Biden was a shameless liar, eager to blame his staff for the consequences of his own bad decisions. But the other, even more troubling possibility is that Biden simply didn’t remember what he was briefed on a few months earlier. “Something is wrong with President Biden, and we are all being asked to pretend we don’t notice,” I wrote.

It is NOT funny at all that we have a senile buffoon as President and a widely-hated and empty-headed “mean girl” as Vice-President. These are truly dangerous times.

Indeed, these are perilous times, and I wasn’t an idiot or evil-doer or a rube who voted for Biden. This is NOT funny. November can’t come soon enough! At least then we can be in something of a stalemate or holding pattern until we can get a competent President in the 2024 elections.

Though by then you may be eating grass with a sawdust chaser, living in a cardboard box, and doing a lot of walking…

Looking on the bright side, you have been wanting to lose weight!


True, true…

Lefty Political Philosophy

Don’t be

afraid, Lefties!

Culture Current Events Politics

Well, yeah.

Because he totally sucks!

While 11 percent of survey participants did not approve or disapprove, Biden’s approval rating is underwater in 48 states, including the typically dark blue California and his home state of Delaware. The only two states in which he is above water are Hawaii and Vermont.

Approval of 32%. I really doubt that it can go any lower. There just aren’t that many degrees of freedom left to vary (to use statistical language). In fact, I figured 33-35% was as low as it could go.

Biden has hit rock bottom, and there really is virtually no more statistical “space” for him to go down any more. We are already into the “I’ll vote for a moldy dinner roll if it has a ‘D’ attached to it” crowd. I just don’t think there is any more statistical variance in play for Biden to go down any more.

I certainly could be wrong, but I would be very surprised to see Biden go any lower. He can pretty much only go up, now–it is math and statistics. And I think he will be at about 42-45% by election day. We shall see.

But don’t be snookered by the MSM that he is making “a comeback” when he very predictably goes to 45%. Anyone who knows anything about such things expects it. So let’s not be shocked or dismayed when it happens! The math here almost demands it.

CAVEAT: If culturally Biden totally crashes and burns, if it becomes stylish to be anti-Biden, if (for example) late-night comics openly belittle him most nights, more statistical space will open up, the variance increases, and his numbers can then go down.

But I don’t see that happening, here. Possible, but not at all likely, IMHO.

Still, that is exactly what happened to Jimmy Carter (see: Killer Rabbit). In fact, he was leading Ronald Reagan in many of the late polls! NEVER forget that.

Current Events


candidates are getting hammered.

RINOs are getting smoked!

Current Events


It is results-driven.

Yes, yes. But don’t overlook Democrat voter fraud!

Current Events

Go ahead and

panic, Georgie boy!

BUT, always remember that Democrats engage in voter fraud, so be careful…


Hmmm… That’s

a wrap, folks!

Jimmy Carter didn’t know what he was doing and was president at a time when everyone thought the nation was going down the tubes. He was weak. Joe Biden is in the same boat. We have endless domestic and foreign policy crises, and he’s just too weak and stupid to do anything about them. And both men had failed outdoor excursions that put the final note on their presidencies. They were both weak. Biden’s slightly worse in the sense that he’s weak and old. 

Biden’s journey to the Carter side is now pretty much complete…

Well, we still need a killer rabbit. But there is time!

Simple enough, right? The whole incident would have been a nonstory — no reporters were around to witness it — had it not been for Carter press secretary Jody Powell, who recounted the story to the news media himself. Thus, the “killer rabbit” tale was born.

See, it was already known that Carter was an incompetent boob. This reported event just put an exclamation point on it!

And Biden is now breathing that same rarified air…

Like the Haitian proverb says, on a bad day, a glass of milk can break your head open.

The economy is in the toilet. We’re being pushed around abroad. We have an administration that came in way too confident (and too arrogant) that they could solve anything and instead became an endless cyclone of incompetence. To cap it all off, the president took a fall. Why does this all sound familiar? Maybe because we’ve been here before. Biden’s bike blunder has brought the Jimmy Carter narrative full circle. Yes, you could argue that Biden is worse than Jimmy the peanut farmer, but both presidents presided over a trash economy. And both had their weakness exposed for all to see. 


Times, they

are a’changing!

Republican Mayra Flores’s special election victory Tuesday is the latest of the mounting evidence that Hispanic voters are inching away from the Democrat Party.

It’s a nightmare for Democrats!

“The red wave is here,” Garcia told Breitbart News on Friday. “Now more than ever Hispanics feel a genuine sense of belonging with the GOP. We know Hispanics are conservative on education, on social issues. We’re pro-life and pro-gun. We want lower taxes, religious freedom, and school choice.”

Democrats have LONG taken the Hispanic vote for granted, and Hispanics as a whole are just not a natural fit for the Democrat party. Democrats have historically been adamant about jamming the square peg of Hispanic voters into the round hole of rigid Democrat ideology.

But it won’t work, you know.

The Hispanic vote (as if were a monolith) is ripe for the GOP picking! If Hispanics as a whole vote for policies rather than identity, Democrats are well and truly hosed!

If Mexican Hispanics started voting Republican as a whole, Democrats would vote to seal the border in a nanosecond! We have already seen just exactly that with people from Cuba…