Immorality Lefty Political Philosophy

Oh, and rich.

Don’t forget rich.

It’s been many years since they were the party of the working man…

But there is no such thing as a happy Democrat. They need a constant flow of misery and distress in order for them to magnanimously step in and be a savior.

And the fact that they feed off human misery should tell you a lot about the morality of their positions! No misery=no Democrats. So they need a never-ending supply of human misery. And since life is naturally hard in the first place, they just prod a little and never run out of dragons to bravely slay.

Sure, it’s Satanic. But it’s Satanic with a smiley face!

As Elon Musk said recently, the “far Left hates everybody–themselves included.”


Yes, yes.

YOU didn’t leave Democrats. THEY left YOU!

Did conservatives as a whole change? I would argue “yes,” but not in the way most people believe. I think conservatives as a whole MOVED TO THE LEFT a bit on social and cultural issues, in part (but not entirely) because of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Elections Polls

These are

pretty good numbers. But beware, Conservatives, of overconfidence.

NPR poll:
Notably, the poll found 52 percent of latino voters would vote for a Republican compared to 39 percent who would choose a Democrat. For voters who have children under 18 years old, 60 percent said they’d vote for the GOP candidate while just 32 percent said they’d pick a Democrat. More voters under 45 years old also broke for Republicans (50 percent) over Democrats (40 percent). [emphasis added]

And it’s only May…

Yes, but ALWAYS remember: Democrats cheat. And they will this time, too, unless YOU get active and work to prevent it. Now is NOT the time to passively shrug and hope someone else does the heavy lifting..

Now understand, these are numbers on a generic candidate. But still, this reveals a dramatic shift. It truly is remarkable.

And this is NPR…

Conspiracy Media Flying Monkeys

Well, we KNEW

it. But now we have hard proof.

Whatever the coverage, Durham’s filings make abundantly clear the Clinton campaign used the media to spread uncorroborated Russia allegations to dirty up Trump at the same time its emissaries were trying to get the FBI, the CIA and the State Department to investigate the same dirt.



is the TRUTH!

As Andre Breitbart famously said, politics is downstream of culture.

The Democrat Party steadily moved to the left…now so far left it is in very real danger of sinking below the waves and maybe it’s time it did.  They had plenty of chances.

(long quote follows, but it is VERY important)

So, what do today’s Democrats want? 

1. Censorship – under the guise of banning hate speech they do not permit criticism. The DHS has even created a Disinformation Governance Board.  It sounds like a sort of Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s 1984. We are being told it is to rebut human smuggling organizations peddling misinformation to exploit vulnerable migrants. Anyone with the slightest cognitive ability knows that claim is misinformation in itself. It is to monitor ‘unfriendly’ speech. I hardly need to provide further examples.  Elon Musk did it admirably.  
2.  Open Borders – Democrats want to change the face of America, add several million new Democrats and pay them to come. 
3. Call Everyone Racist who Disagrees  – Any disagreement with their agenda is racist.  The racist charge stops the ignorant in their tracks. CRT (or whatever they’re calling it) is being taught in much of the country, like it or not, paid for by COVID funds. Everything is politicized. They now demand equity, not equality…Mao would be proud.  
4.  Stop Climate Change – Climate Change has been a lucrative issue for the Left…announce that we are all going to die in 12 years (again) if we don’t obey their every command.  Never mind the science, never mind that climate change is a normal process or that we have made massive strides in cleaning our environment.  To the weak-minded, they have created a climate of fear, trembling, and gnashing of teeth. In the meantime they refuse to go to the real environmental criminal – China. 
5.  Crime is the Fault of Society – They can’t punish crime they feel results from a broken society, hence defund police, empty prison cells, decrepit cities, record crime.  Anyway, it looks good to keep the chaos going. 
6. Win Every Election.  They proved that in 2020, they will try again in 2022.  In spite of terrible polling, they are mysteriously quiet. 
7.  The Destruction of Our Society – This is something too many people cannot believe or accept.  Everything Dems want is about destroying our culture, our society, and our values as Americans.  It is vital to ‘transform’ this nation into a ward of the globalists. They have destroyed education, our borders, unleashed violent crime to record levels, tied the hands of the police, taken over the election process, and much of the government, including our courts.  The Left here and abroad is doing everything to promote war with Russia, poking the bear, hoping to cause the destruction of Russia’s armed forces and ours.  And finally, working diligently to reduce our military to a well-armed police force that WILL open fire on Americans if so ordered.

It’s time for YOU to wake up!

Biden-induced misery Buffoons

“Biden” on

the economy:

Honestly, how detached from reality can you be? Regular people are suffering!

Joe Biden himself? Eh, not so much. He is just excited that today is chocolate pudding day. And tomorrow is tapioca. How exotic!

The rest of us can no longer afford chocolate OR tapioca pudding. Hey, stale bread with a little molasses on it is where it’s at! And it’s a treat many of us can afford several times a year!

At least, that’s what I am told by Democrats. I guess we ALL have to make sacrifices. Well, most of us, anyway…

<sigh> I sure could go for $2 a gallon gas and a few mean tweets right now!

Current Events

Yes, yes,

but Democrats cheat! So while things look pretty bleak for them right now, never underestimate the power of cheating. YOU need to volunteer at your local- and state-level polling place.

And Democrats will wave the “racism” bloody shirt even more!

Biden-induced misery Energy

As this article

says, gas prices are going up again, but Biden a wonderful guy and is doing all he can to bring them down for us peons.

But is he, really?

‘Cuz I have several suggestions just off the top of my head on what would lead directly to lower gas prices. Starting with the Keystone Pipeline…

Gee, I wonder why “Biden” won’t go there? DUH!

Yes, blame high gas prices on “Biden.” THAT is where the blame rests, and nowhere else. You fools who voted for Biden owe me gas money!

Current Events




baby steps

DON’T get over-confident. Democrats cheat!