Current Events

Yeah, it’s

a bit, uh, unusual.

I don’t know what to make of it, if anything. Actually, I’m not at all sure I believe it, yet. But hey, coups happen in countries like this!

Election Fraud Elections

No, no

they don’t. Quite honestly, virtually no one does. But do Democrats have any other decent choices?

Then again, I guess I DO want “Biden” to run again. First, the statistical “regression to the mean” tells us that it is very unlikely that (purely by chance alone) Democrats will run a worse candidate.

But also, Biden lost badly last time and only took office on the back of massive voter fraud. I think we’re more prepared to ensure free and fair elections this time (though there might indeed be a “What fresh Hell is this?”moment if Conservatives don’t get out in droves to true the vote).

Plus, his governance has been an absolute disaster. It has been incompetence on a cosmic scale! He is VERY clearly a senile old man who is NOT driving the bus but who is just in it for the fame and the delicious White House pudding!

I just don’t think “Biden” has a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning fairly in 2024. I mean, look at his polling numbers, for Pete’s sake! And given that he will at least lose the House in 2022 (since a Republican House will both put an end to the “Biden” legislative crappery AND launch a thousand investigations of his crime family), I don’t see this ending without him being revealed as a dirty turd. And that just won’t look good for him in a 2024 re-match.

He will also be impeached, and rightly so. But the Senate Democrats won’t convict, even further driving the point home that the Democrats are merely political hacks and NOT even-handed and fair public servants.

And, unlike 2022, the 2024 elections are inherently difficult for Senate Democrats, anyway. See, 2022 is, in terms of election numbers, a favorable year for Senate Democrats, and yet they are hanging on by the skin of their teeth. But the Senate electoral landscape will not be as favorable to them in 2024…




Eighteen months later, newly unsealed court documents show that the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles got their warrant for that raid by misleading the judge who approved it.

They omitted from their warrant request a central part of the FBI’s plan: Permanent confiscation of everything inside every box containing at least $5,000 in cash or goods, a senior FBI agent recently testified.

THIS is a general warrant. General warrants are unconstitutional. Officials must specify what they are looking for and what evidence they have to think that the raid will turn up proof. “Fishing expeditions” are unconstitutional and illegal (and despotic).

Political philosophy

Here is why you NEVER want

a Leftist leader:

See, Leftist are, at heart, Rationalists rather than Empiricists. So when Leftists are faced with an issue, their question is rooted in that Rationalism and they ask, “What makes conceptual sense, here?

An Empiricist asks a different question. He or she asks, “What has worked in the past?” They want to conserve what has already been learned. In other words, they are empirically rooted in the past in a way that Rationalists simply are not.

And it’s why you don’t want a Lefty leader. Certainly not on a clan or nation level. Sure, you can talk about how Leftism just doesn’t work, but it goes far deeper than mere outcome. It’s not just a bad outcome that indicts Leftism/Rationalism. It is the very foundation of Leftism that is inherently unstable

A Leftist/Rationalist has only theory to work with. They don’t have “the wisdom of the ages” because they are much more wedded to whatever wind of trendy doctrine sounds good now. Oh, and they think they are just way smarter than all those rubes in history… 

So you absolutely want a historical Empiricist as a leader. Otherwise, you are at the mercy of whatever idea seems to make conceptual sense right now—to that particular leader. And if thought trends change (maybe it is just “a bit of bad beef”—thanks Dickens!), so does the thinking of the leader. Hence the famous terror in the old USSR (and ALL Lefty regimes) that today you are in the “in crowd,” but you may be facing the firing squad tomorrow!

For example, a Lefty/Rationalist says, “We need to get rid of all guns because it totally makes conceptual sense that if there are no guns there can be no gun crime!” The Conservative/Empiricist says, “Yeah, but the actual data show that the higher the rate of gun ownership by regular people is strongly associated with a lower incidence of violence of ALL sorts, including gun crime!”

So there is a fundamental difference in approach. Not that it is exclusively one approach or other for either side, but it is certainly the prominent trend. 

This is why people on both sides think, “THIS will clinch it,” but it actually doesn’t. They are arguing on two completely different wavelengths. The Conservative thinks that this is all about facts, while the Leftist thinks this is all about conceptual satisfaction.

Thus, there is often this “paradigm blindness” on both sides.


He must be

a slow learner.

Wait for it, wait for it…


Current Events

Yeah, nobody

(and I mean nobody) really likes him. He certainly didn’t actually win the 2020 election. It was a fraud. DUH!

Anybody but Joe. That is the simple message a clear majority of Democrats delivered in an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday, indicating the party should replace President Joe Biden as its nominee for president in 2024. [emphasis added]


And honestly,

why WOULD you? Let’s face it, from a scientific point of view, the mRNA vaccines are crap. Besides, why on earth would I get the vaccine when I have already had Omicron? THAT is totally non-sensical!

No, I’m a pureblood.

Current Events


Surprising. She sure is popular!


I agree,

we really should not get overconfident. And remember, the Democrats will (yet again) cheat like buggers.

Current Events

Yes, but

it’s far worse than that.

It’s almost a cliché to hear, “I am a cop. My dad was a cop. My grandfather was a cop.” Same with military service.

I was in the Navy. BUT, I certainly haven’t encouraged my sons to go in–it’s far too “woke” now.

So what happens when this chain gets broken? Well, fewer cops (and military) each generation. Kids don’t grow up with a model of police (or military) service. My kids have the memory of living in military communities in Virginia, North Carolina, Boston, and Okinawa (where the youngest was born).

My grandkids will never know any of that. They will never know standing for the National Anthem in a movie theater with their hand over their heart before the movie starts. That link is just gone.

So yes, what we are seeing is very bad. But it is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the real damage! We are talking about multi-generational damage.

Thanks a lot, Biden voters. Way to go…