Biden-induced misery Buffoons

Hey, he did a

Zoom meeting! What more do you want?

Crime Current Events

Huh. Did he, by

chance, have “dirt” on Hillary and Bill?

I mean, these things don’t just happen out of nowhere!



things are a bit different now!

Buffoons Elections

Oh yeah,

Things are grim for Democrats when they look to the future. PLEASE clap!

No wonder Democrats are thinking they might be up a creek without a paddle come 2024. It’s either doddering old Joe who they then have to pretend isn’t falling apart if they can’t force him to step out of the way, or a very uncertain field of not-very-satisfactory people.

The current options are horrible! And there’s nothing even on the horizon that looks halfway decent! But never fear, something will come up.

In the meantime, they can try to fall back on voter fraud!

Piss-poor judgment Voter Fraud

Mail-in voting

is a TOTAL scam! The ONLY practical reason why Lefties like it is because it makes fraud easier. DUH!

Well, that’s not quite the only reason. It also makes it convenient for Larry Loser to not put his Cheetos and Mountain Dew down long enough to get his smelly butt off his filthy couch and go vote himself more money from the public treasury!

Or for others to hoover up the ballots and vote in the place of Larry Loser. In both cases, see: Oregon.

But you know, if there were appropriate voting and no voter fraud, even California itself might be in play! Maybe–there are a lot of stupid people, and many of them now infest California…

Economy Moron

Bumblin’ Biden

gets some bad news.

Media Flying Monkeys


the way! I think most of us have had just about enough of these lying turds!

Buffoons Dementia Joe

Look, when you’re

eighty, it’s kinda hard to remember all those pesky details


How you KNOW

Kamala is incompetent!

Really? What next, a laugh track?

Human Misery Incompetence Lefty Squalor

THIS is what

diversity hires bring you! NOT a competence hire, here. And it produces human misery!

But, if there was any moment that stands out as cringeworthy, it was when he [mayor Pete] was trying to argue that the situation in East Palestine had become politicized. “There’s no question that there have been enormous amounts of both information and misinformation injected into this situation, none of which is to the benefit of the community. When it comes to that misinformation… so, I think… sorry, I lost my train of thought.”

Yeah, as if there were actual thought involved! Mayor Pete wouldn’t know rational thought if it bit him in the butt…

But this naturally leads to the question: Are they truly that incompetent, or do they just not care?