the big cities in general, but mainly the vast majority that are Lefty big cities.
I recently reviewed the results of the mayoral election in Chicago, which appear to have sounded the death knell for America’s third-largest city. The buildings will remain and the people without the means to escape will still huddle in their homes (at least those who have homes), hoping to avoid being the next statistic in a crime wave that shows no signs of abating. Commerce has slowed to a crawl and its once-famous entertainment district is now too dangerous for most to risk an evening out on the town … the Windy City is not alone in its downward slide. Many cities across the United States are simply becoming unlivable… But an epidemic of suicidally dangerous liberal policies has opened the gates for the barbarians that were always waiting outside.
Why on earth would city people vote Lefty? It’s like they are crapping their own bed!
Sadly, that is what we are clearly observing in America today. Moore describes the “cults of economic and political quackery” that have hypnotized metropolitan residents, leading to calls to defund the police, empty the jails, and the turning of a blind eye to crime in the name of “social justice.” Those bothering to seek solutions inevitably attempt to “tax the rich” to the point where the most productive flee for safer havens.