
There are concerns

that sane areas will be overwhelmed by “Leftugees” who, having soiled their own nests, move on to ravage another place with stupid Leftard voting.

And this is indeed a valid concern.

BUT, the data we have don’t necessarily support that worry. When we look at Florida, for example, we see a HUGE increase in population coming from places like New York. And yet, the data show that these Leftugees are, on average, MORE conservative on the whole than native Floridians! Florida is no longer “purple,” it is red. Not as red as, say, Idaho, but it is red just the same.

Why on earth would that be?

Well, it is extraordinarily hard to move. And expensive. Sell the house, get a new job, load up the moving van, clean and repair the old house, maybe have kids leave friends and change schools, find a new house (buy or rent?)–even something so simple as getting utilities turned on in the new place and finding a kid to mow the lawn. ALL very hard. Trust me, I was in the military and I know very well what it’s like to move every three years…

And only the most motivated to move will do it. And who is most motivated to leave Lefty Hell-holes and move to more conservative areas? Conservatives.

So there is a natural “winnowing.” There is a natural separation of the people.

It’s not perfect, by any means. Are there Lefties who are “free riders” and scab off conservative areas? Sure (though most often long-time residents). There are always outliers. But the average Leftugee tilts heavily to the right.

See, once these Leftugees have drunk from the bitter cup of Leftism, they usually are not eager to once again stain their lips! MOST are not stupid.

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