But it’s not like we didn’t already know what has happened! Providers did NOT exactly covered themselves in glory over COVID. Quite the opposite, in fact.
And people are DEAD because, as patients, they were too trusting of medical expertise! So much for, “First, do no harm,” eh? In this case there was NO informed consent at all. But ALL patients need to be both informed and wary–now more than ever.
I’m not saying that there are no moral and humanitarian providers–there certainly are–probably the majority. But it would be exceedingly unwise to just blindly assume that your provider is one of the “good guys” who will buck the system as much as possible and agitate for your good. And in fact, your provider may not even know that he or she is a “bad guy.”
See, that’s the way this works. “Just following orders social norms!” NAZI’s, for example, never stopped to honestly ask themselves, “Are we the baddies?” And cultural and financial sticks and carrots with COVID were absolutely HUGE!
Overton observed that covid was killing only people in hospital, not at home nor among the homeless. The treatment regime was devised to end lives efficiently [and profitably].