no one is actually excited about Biden.
Democrats have two weapons available to them in 2024, and both are taking on water.
First, for the Democrats is the old standby of Trump fear and hatred. BUT, 3+ years have passed, and people are a bit worn out by the never-ending Democrat hysteria. I mean, everyone sees that the country was WAY better off under Trump. They also see that Trump is treated grossly unfairly and that there is a Democrat legal mania for his destruction. It is very clearly a mental illness. And real people hate that crap!
And there was a better economy, low inflation, and good foreign relations under Trump. And we had a secure southern border. Plus, Trump is running a very good campaign right now. He makes few errors this time. He even just met with Ron DeSantis and agreed on fundraising!
So basically, the data are very clearly in. Conservatism is WAAAAY better in terms of safety and country integrity. It’s also way better in economic terms. It’s just not reasonably arguable anymore.
The second Democrat tool is voter fraud. There is overwhelming evidence the “Biden” cheated in order to win the last presidential election. The evidence is far too extensive for me to delve into it here and now, but only a willfully blind shill denies that. It’s obvious.
But the intentionally incompetent Democrat accomplice Ronna Romney McDaniel is no longer at the DNC. And people in general are FAR more watchful. So it will be harder for Democrats to pull off another “3am surprise” ballot dump. Sure, they can, but it’s much more difficult now.
Plus, a lot of Republicans are voting early, so the Democrat shenanigans of “surprise” voter machine malfunctions in predominantly GOP polling places will be avoided (and I would encourage GOP voters to “bank” their vote early to make sure it is counted). And in places where it is legal, there will be massive GOP “vote harvesting.” Good!
The Biden viper is NOT dead yet–it can still kill. But there are good reasons to think that we might escape its deadly venom.