
Honestly, who

actually believes he WASN’T murdered? Does anyone?

Corruption Current Events


You don’t say!

The motion alleges that Willis hired private attorney Nathan Wade to act as her special prosecutor in her vast, convoluted RICO case against Trump and 18 others who dared pursue legal remedies for what they believed was a compromised 2020 election. She did this despite having more than one attorney within her own office who was perfectly capable of prosecuting the case. And she did it despite Wade being unqualified to handle the biggest case in Fulton County history, as he has never actually prosecuted a felony RICO case before. So why would Willis hire him?

The alleged answer is that the married father of two was tapping the dirty DA. And this opens up a whole can of big, fat ethical and legal worms that are now squirming exuberantly atop Fanis’s prosecution house of cards.

But wait, there’s more!

Strike Three is the mutually self-serving financial benefit both Willis and Wade received from the arrangement. “…a review of the amount of money that the special prosecutor has been paid by the district attorney and the personal activities of the district attorney and the special prosecutor during the pendency of this prosecution shed light on just how self-serving this arrangement has been,” wrote Merchant in the complaint. The power pair are accused of enjoying trips to Florida and Napa Valley and indulging themselves on tropical cruises, among other extravagances

Lousy Democrats! (to quote Homer Simpson)


Yes, it’s time

for a new Exodus.

Corruption Cover-up! Evil


of course. I mean, you gotta make it look like you are actually doing something. But make it too severe and he might squeal like a pig.

So one year probation it is!

Captain Obvious

Well, to be fair,

MOST Democrats have a baaaad feeling about the upcoming elections!


Well looky there!

Democrats hate dark money. Unless they are the ones who get it, of course!

Resisting Evil Strategy

Indeed, I think

California is doomed. Honestly, I don’t see how it can be saved now. Just divide it up into sane and insane parts. Is there anything else that can be done?

Fighting Back Media Flying Monkeys

I think most of

us can see through the MSM B.S. and have just had enough! So we are cheering those who effectively and elegantly stand up to the MSM bullies.

Millions of Americans have a contempt for the liberal-run media. Instead of using that contempt to their advantage, Republicans keep going on CNN and the rest. They seek to impress the press. It is suicidal.

Because the truth is, at some point you have to take a stand. And THIS is the way to do just that. Make them be accountable for their horse-hockey! I can be pleasant, but pleasantly demand actual accountability! Let’s talk about undergirding premises…

These immoral bullies need to be stood up to and their premises challenged. So we cheer when someone does. And I can do that without being nasty and thus throwing them a lifeline. I’m just politely asking them to explain themselves!

And here’s why it scares the ever-living poop out of the MSM:

But DeSantis, Ramaswamy and Trump are changing things for the better. Their willingness to stand up to these bullies is encouraging others.

… “This is the way. Force the media to define its terms, defend its premises, and refuse to be baited into answering stupid questions.”

Anger Justice

Uhm, maybe

this wasn’t a good idea, Leftists!

Bad Faith Evil

Pure and simple,

it was entrapment.

PJ Media readers already know that the Jan. 6 Capitol riot wasn’t an insurrection, but it’s still absolutely mind-blowing just how much we’ve been lied about the events of that day.

… One point that Higgins made was that it is highly improbable that civilians would know how to get around the Capitol without help from people who knew where they were going.

“There’s no way they can come in some random door that gets opened and then get their way directly to Statuary [Hall] or the House chamber or the Senate chamber. It’s just not possible,” Higgins told Carlson. “The FBI assets that were dressed as Trump supporters that were inside the Capitol were there, I believe, and evidence indicates that they were there to specifically wave in the Trump supporters that had gathered outside the Capitol.”