Bad Faith Captain Obvious

You know,

people get strokes all the time at age 45!

Bad Faith


Stuff is happening.

Still, the concern is that, as in the past (<cough>Hillary!<cough>), there will be a superficial, sham investigation and then the miscreants can say, “I was exonerated!”

I am totally unconvinced that anything will come of it. Oh, it should, but it almost for sure won’t.

Bad Faith Crime

Yeah, it certainly

could happen. But I’m not holding my breath…

Bad Faith Ignoramuses

Inflation gone?

Really? Have you gone to the grocery store lately? Do you know what eggs cost?

Why aren’t “reporters” mad that they are “supposed to” carry water for this White House? Don’t they eventually revolt at playing “Wormtongue” to the White House’s “Sauron?”

A major part of that is that like Wormtongue, they are on Sauron’s side. NEVER forget that! They are not stupid, they are just on the other team.

Inflation gone? Don’t be an ignoramus!

Bad Faith Dishonesty


Well, never mind

It was AWAYS a ruse.

Bad Faith Biden-Induced Human Misery

Well, three hours

is about all a man of his advanced age can handle.

But yes, it is insulting.

I hope you’re mad, because you should be!

Do your dang JOB, Joe!

Bad Faith Current Events

Biden is FINALLY

going to visit the southern border! But don’t get your hopes up. It’s just a publicity stunt.

All posturing and photo-ops, meaning nothing…

Bad Faith Stooooopid!

The usual:

Trump comes out of this smelling like a rose and Democrats set a precedent that will bite them in the butt. Wile E. Coyote.

Pretty much par for the course, eh? Often evil will shall evil mar…

House Democrats just set a precedent that will surely come back to haunt them. Using the power of the House Ways and Means Committee, they recently obtained and publicly released former President Donald Trump’s tax returns from 2015 to 2020. They did so because Trump refused to release his tax returns, like most presidential candidates do, and in hopes of somehow embarrassing or incriminating him.

Bad Faith

The truth is,

some of the things we trusted have turned out to be FAR from trustworthy. So NOW we are realizing that we have to be much more selective and discerning.

Bad Faith Injustice

You know, it’s

pretty dang obvious that Epps was a plant, that he was working with/for the feds. Yes, this was bald entrapment and injustice.

HE even admits it in this recently-discovered text!

Conservatives need to be aware that they can often be “set up” by agents of the government. Be aware, and be careful.

BUT understand that you being careful IS a strategy of the Left. If you suddenly can’t trust others in your protest organization, that organization is quickly emasculated.

So the feds don’t give a flying fig about Ray Epps anymore. He has served their immediate purpose and continues serve their purposes by sowing suspicion among those who are against government tyranny. NO ONE cares about what happens to him now, least of all his government handlers.

So be active, be trusting, but be careful! There WILL be both spies and turncoats, but don’t let that derail you from standing up for what is right…

As Christ said, not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of Heaven. And as an example I give you… Ray Epps!