Captain Obvious Epic fail

Really no surprise,

now is it?

The U.S. Census Bureau reported Thursday that California lost more residents than any other state this year, with over 300,000 people fleeing the state, marking the third consecutive year that California’s population declined.

Epic fail Evil Clown

EVERYONE realizes

Joe Biden’s VP folly! Everyone.

Current Events Epic fail Ignoramuses Lame

Don’t be a butt.

Of course it isn’t!

This is just hypocritical Lefty “Gotcha!” crap.

Unlike Davidson and the Post — whose suspensions were politically motivated — Rupar and company actually violated Twitter rules. These left-wing activists maliciously disclosed another person’s location, and were sanctioned for endangering people. There’s nothing wrong with that.

… And socking a bully in the mouth is called justice, not cruelty. Those who argue for the latter tacitly admit their own cowardice and refusal to use strength to enforce societal standards.

Epic fail

Hmm… Something’s

happening here. And what it is ain’t exactly clear…

I think Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel should get the crap outta here! Sorry, losers resign. THAT is the way it has always been. And she is indisputably a HUGE loser. Just look at what happened in November.

She can personally be just as “squishy” as she pleases. But the RNC Chair needs to be made of sterner stuff!

The Republican Party of Arizona, meanwhile, called on McDaniel to step down in order for “fresh and bold leadership” to assume control of the RNC.

Ronna, if you had an ounce of honor you’d step down. And you are showing that, like your uncle Mitt, you don’t.

Epic fail Losers

Ronna, why on

this green earth would you even think you should run for an unprecedented 4th term? Are you really that divorced from reality? Did you somehow miss the FACT that you have been a total failure? Maybe it’s just your Romney sense of entitlement “character” shining through!

Ronna, you have failed repeatedly. And if you had an ounce of grace or good sense or respect for precedence, you would resign. TODAY. Please, don’t make this awkward. Just go. You’ve entertained us quite enough…

The day of the RINO Orc is rapidly coming to a close, and smart people are sensing the shift in the wind…

Epic fail

Yeah, she’s

a gem. A piece of work.

But I’ve lived among Haitians. IN HATI. I speak Haitian Creole fluently. Most Haitians are NOT as dumb as KJP. Please don’t judge ALL Haitians by her…

Epic fail Media Flying Monkeys

The MSM is indeed

having a mental breakdown about free reporting.

Well, let’s get some real reporting, here!

Yet their real anger now is being directed at reporter Matt Taibbi, formerly of Rolling Stone and now a star on Substack. He, along with Glenn Greenwald and Bari Weiss has built a huge following on the platform, filling a void in the current news landscape: former mainstream reporters who have defected from the MSM due to disgust with the rejection of journalistic standards.

Musk is releasing the Twitter files through Taibbi, and the media Elite™ are in full [ed. coordinated] attack mode against Taibbi. Utterly unhinged attacks.

Epic fail

Oh yes,

do. Biden absolutely deserves blame, here.

Epic fail

Well, all I can say

is, I sure hope so!

Energy Epic fail

Just you

wait. You ain’t seen nothin yet!