Epic fail Evil Clown

Biden is SO bad

that he is even starting to lose the Lefty “Amen Corner.”

Evil Clown Incompetence

Oh yes,

she is awful!

I mean, there really isn’t much question about THAT. You know, Kamala is awful, water is wet, and ice is cold. Not news…

Frankly, things really don’t look good for Kamala if Biden decides not to run for reelection. As we saw in 2020, she’s a lousy campaigner, and as we’ve seen since January 20, 2021, she’s an awful vice president—in fact, she’s so awful that she’s not even well-liked in her home state anymore.

She is a strange concoction of incompetence, ass-hattery, and evil.

Sorry for the login. But the title says it all!

Evil Clown


Lizzie is off her meds again!

Talk about doubling down on stupid…

Civil Disobedience Evil Clown

Well, there is grudging

progress. But you know it has FAR more to do with the fact that most people just ignore them than it has to do with science or knowledge. They have shown in spades that what they do has precious little to do with science…

Evil Clown


up is down, right is wrong, good is bad.

Today these words are fulfilled in your ears… Well. THAT happens most days, now!

Evil Clown

What a


Evil Clown

Uhm, yeah…

Biden sucks, and we ALL know it.

Did YOU vote for this train wreck? If so, You owe me an apology. And gas money. And SHAME on you!

Evil Clown

Yes, there is now

an “oppression Olympics.” The hand that wrings the hanky rules the world…

Evil Clown

Oh yeah,

THAT’s going to work! Democrats, let me know how that works out for ya…

On top of an historically unpopular president, there is rampant inflation that doesn’t seem likely to abate in the foreseeable future, chaos at our Biden-opened border, the world on the brink of another world war, and the long list of culture war crazy the radical left is pushing in government, schools, and corporations.

And they think THIS will help them?

Paying people to talk about Democrats is apparently all the rage on the left; there are groups of them organizing this desperation campaign all across the nation.

… Nothing will close that enthusiasm gap like paying people to be enthusiastic. And stuff.

Dementia Dishonesty Evil Clown

Yeah, I remember

when I was in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jingping, after traveling 17,000 miles together.

My word as a Biden!

Well, I don’t know that for a fact