Bad Faith History

Lobotomy was a

VERY big deal. But at heart, what was old in new again. And “transgender” surgery is the new lobotomy.

Unfortunately, the science of treating mental illness is not especially good, and the treatments themselves have at times been cruel, destructive, and sometimes downright evil.

Guys, this mutilation is a fad! But unfortunately, there are kids who are now permanently damaged because of this. And others will be before this fad runs its course. Surgeons who are willing to mutilate others in this way for money are despicable.

And it’s incredibly destructive. People who are suffering are getting quack treatments. Sometimes they’re suffering something serious and real, in which case the treatment should be intense and appropriate to the condition; other times it is the result of a teenage phase and should be seen as a teen experimenting with Goth culture. Instead, we are medicalizing the problem and literally sterilizing children and surgically altering their bodies. For profit.

It’s heartbreaking.

History Incompetence

When we look

back at things, Joe Biden falling down the polling poop chute started with his Afghanistan bungle.

That was when it became incontrovertible that he is, in fact, a dangerous moron. Opposing him from that point forward was NOT just political preference, it was good sense–a means of survival. Look at the data; August 2021 was the turning point.

Joe Biden’s poll numbers are terrible and keep getting worse. While his approval is certainly being affected by inflation, high gas prices, and other issues, the withdrawal from Afghanistan was the pivotal moment.

… The American people are very patient, but leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan was unforgivable. When service members were then killed by a suicide bomber, Biden’s political fate was sealed.

It has kind of been a delayed burn. But it was with that that it became no longer possible to fully trust Joe Biden–his amazingly poor judgment became undeniable. So when a bunch of bad crap later came along, the reservoir of good will was just empty–it had ALL (and more) been spent on the Afghanistan bungle. So now Biden’s approval rating is in the high 30s–and still falling.

The failures have been cumulative. And the Biden checking account of trust and good will is now grossly overdrawn…

History Truth

If you know
