Lefty meltdown Lefty Political Philosophy

Mockery is

the way! The Left has NO sense of humor at all, and they totally melt down when they are mocked and parodied. They are amazingly thin-skinned and waaaay to narcissistic to laugh at themselves!

And THAT is why they hate The Babylon Bee so much…

Old yeller. Wow.

Dementia Joe Lefty Political Philosophy Stooooopid!

And yet,

and yet, in ALL my days I have neither before seen nor even heard of people selling guns out of the back of a truck! You know, like you might sell a load of pumpkins out of the back of your truck!

Biden: “Down in Philadelphia and New York, areas I know well, like up here, you’d see a truck pull up, pull to the curb and selling weapons, selling guns, selling AR-15s.”

Huh? What is this loony yammering on about? What a maroon! What a liar! He has never seen that! I call bullcrap. Yes, and I have lived in those areas.

And just who on earth would even buy one of these guns if such a thing ever did happen? No one with more sense than a turnip! Only someone totally unfamiliar with gun ownership would believe such a laughably stupid and obviously false claim.

Yeah, Biden knows his audience and is just snookering them! And/or he himself is that astonishingly ignorant.

God save the queen!

Lefty Political Philosophy

Yes, it’s absolutely


The Left has been loud, nasty, disparaging, and avoidant. And many of us on the Right have stayed… demurely polite.

But the time for that approach seems to be over. It’s just not working.

For too long, people on the Right have been shouted down by Leftists who are advancing agendas that we’re uncomfortable with. That’s how we’ve gotten to this point. We often opt for civility when it isn’t the most effective option. I’m not saying that we have to be unhinged like they are, but we can be significantly louder. We should have started a long time ago, to be sure, but now is better than never.

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe to my core that (unlike the Left) we should be kind, polite, non-violent, and non-disparaging. And we need to be able to give a logical, calm, and rational explanation for our beliefs and positions.

But let’s not confuse “kind” with “milquetoast.” In other words, I may choose to say nothing, but that isn’t because there is nothing to say!

Please, don’t confuse my politeness with acquiescence.

The Left, for a dang good reason, almost universally now refuses to engage in logical and rational discussion (I don’t even expect the Democrat Presidential candidate to engage in debates in 2024). And so those skills for them have become atrophied as they have become increasingly unhinged and relied almost exclusively on avoidance, mockery, and volume.

It’s NOT just morality and moral agency at issue here. It is also rationality itself.

Current Events Lefty Political Philosophy

I really am not

sure that there are the votes to pass this thing! I mean, probably, but perhaps not. I’m not at all certain that either the committed Right or the Loony Left will go along. And there is getting less and less “common ground” where the two sides can meet.

In other words, “Neither can live while the other survives,” and one side is about to become an endangered species…

But I think that as time goes by, there is more and more opposition to it. If I were a betting man, I might bet that this compromise doesn’t pass. McCarthy has certainly tried, but it appears that Democrats don’t want responsible spending.

The Democrat caucus reacts to wise spending limits……

Lefty Political Philosophy Moral Agency

Have you not

understood that for the Left, it is always and only about power?

That’s why VIOLENCE and FORCE are logically necessary parts of Leftism!

It is ALL about force and lack of moral agency! The battle has always been about moral agency. Leftism is just the latest variation on that theme. As always, it is wrapped in a patina of fairies and unicorns and good intentions so as to fool people and Judo-like,”flip” good intentions into evil actions.

Understand well that even the very smart are fooled. YOU are not too smart to be taken in, here!

Culture Hypocrisy Lefty Political Philosophy

The memorable

Robert Downey, Jr. in blackface!

You knew he did blackface, right? As did Hugh Laurie.

I searched the web for Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster in blackface, and could find… nothing. Well, a single one. Gee, I wonder why that is? Why would someone totally “scrub” the Internet to remove such images?

Actually, I don’t wonder. I think we ALL know very well why. But I have the DVD with him in blackface!

Here is a photo: It is the ONLY one I could find:

I find it both hilarious and disturbing that Hugh Laurie “scrubbed” his past. Obviously, things change quickly, and what used to be OK now no longer isn’t. Classic Leftism!

Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Violence

Well, yeah.

The Left is, by nature, violent. It is the common thread that underlies ALL Leftism.

It is the foundational, defining characteristic of Leftism. Look at history and logic, for Pete’s sake!

Corruption Lefty Political Philosophy

So I wonder

what was said?

The good news is that this was to the HOUSE Ways and Means committee. So the majority were Republicans.

Of course, the Democrat-controlled Senate just self-servingly whistled past this particular graveyard…

And please remember, this shows in spades that Democrats don’t give a rat’s patootie about justice or truth. They just want to have power, above all else. THAT is why you never vote Democrat!

Oh sure, there might be a Republican “bad apple” here and there, but it is a definitional aspect of Democrats. This is the bedrock of Democrat political philosophy.

Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Violence

Yes, Poland

is rising.

Poland has in many ways led the way. As one former Eastern Bloc resident once told me, Poland has drunk from the bitter cup of Leftism/Soviet domination and they are NOT eager to again stain their lips.

Through tough experience, Poland and its people have learned what some Americans in their cushy, cloistered existence haven’t: That Leftism ALWAYS leads to human suffering and force and the Gulag.

Poland has endured it–it’s not theoretical for them. It’s not some jejeune college Sophomore taking a hit from a bong on a late Friday night and saying, “Dude! What if we…” No, the Polish people can “Imagine” all too well what it is like.

Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Squalor

Know the

history! It keeps you from doing the same stupid things…

Sixty-six of Jamestown’s initial 104 colonists died within six months, most from famine. Only 60 out of 500 arrivals two years later survived that long. The consequences of this “starving time” included cannibalism. The problem was that all accumulated wealth was to be held “for the common good.” The fruits of people’s efforts forcibly went to others, with disastrous results.

Eventually Jamestown and Plymouth moved to systems where people could produce for their own benefit. Each man was given three acres of land, in exchange for a lump-sum tax of two and a half barrels of corn, and communal work was limited to one month (not during planting or harvest). In addition to creating private property, this made the marginal tax rate on most of colonists’ efforts zero, turning indolence into industry. Rather than starving, they became exporters of corn to the Indians. And the seeds to create the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen was sown.

Leftism always leads to human suffering and misery. PLEASE understand that!