Media Flying Monkeys

So just why do YOU

think the MSM has failed to report on these HUGE protests?

The answer to that question seems blatantly obvious to me, but what is the Democrat explanation?

Or do we just see Democrats do their typical, “Turn tail and do the ‘Brave, Brave Sir Robin'” schtick?

Democrat, natch…

To change it, “When logic reared its ugly head, Democrats turned and bravely fled…

Media Flying Monkeys

Why on EARTH

isn’t the MSM all over this like ugly on a hog?

I think we ALL know the answer to that question…

They are nothing but Democrat shills–total hacks. And if you believe them and rely on them you are a credulous, buck-toothed hayseed!

Maybe deliberately so.

Media Flying Monkeys

You gotta admit,

the MSM have been just disgusting.

I think almost all of us are in stunned disappointment at how they have become open and deliberate pimps for Democrats.

The MSM has utterly lost its way, and now is merely a mouthpiece for Leftism. A wise person does not read the NYT or take seriously any mainstream “news” source. We know very well that these sources do NOT report news, they merely cheerlead for the Left.

They have lost control of the trolley, so to speak. And now they are so debased that they are in the mold of Grima Wormtongue.

The MSM today
Bad Faith Media Flying Monkeys Political philosophy

It is a REAL

problem. For example:

So why did Rubin get it SO wrong?

Well, because she dwells more or less exclusively in Lefty fever swamps. She got her information from the likes of the NYT. She is NOT intellectually stupid, she is just grossly misinformed and doesn’t even know it!

See, this kind of bias is often relatively subtle. There was no “central authority” directing her–it is just the water she swims in.

And so it is with many Leftists. They are not low-IQ, they are just willfully and chronically misinformed. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, its not that they don’t know anything, it’s just that so much of what they know is actually not true!

This is the “paradigm blindness” described by Yoram Hazony. When I am ensconced in the Lefty fever swamp, ALL I see is Lefty drivel, and it is almost always unchallenged. And so it becomes transparent to me. And I am blind to other ways of looking at it.

We saw that when Mitt Romney said he was a “severe Conservative.” Huh? No Conservative talks like that! He was (and still is) blind to the Conservative paradigm. As one wag said, he does indeed speak Conservative, but with a heavy accent.

Conservatives tend not to have this problem. Why? Because Leftism is so culturally dominant. I can’t go to a movie, watch TV, listen to the radio, or even go to work without being confronted by Leftism. So to be a Conservative I have to have a little bit of punk rocker in me! I have to be willing to swim against the tide–sometimes at great risk to me, personally!

Media Flying Monkeys

The Left has

ALWAYS been opposed to Truth!

Yeah, this is not really about dereliction of duty by the MSM per se. The reason they are silent is that they are afraid to address the actual issues because it will look bad for them. They would have to address the very issues they are weakest in.

Here’s a theory: The more you focus on these races, the more you realize that the issues plaguing Democrats are due to their inability to speak on the issues voters really care about. CNN and MSNBC have focused so much on the social agenda, like abortion, and seem to have largely ignored or tried to gloss over the economic woes of the country.

So yes, the MSM remain as silent as the tomb about the actual campaign issues and events. Because if they bring them up, they are hosed.

Media Flying Monkeys

I like this guy!

He fights.

I think most of us are sick of the MSM suck-ups and realize that they prance about and dress up as reliable news, but they are really just Democrat shills.

Current Events Media Flying Monkeys

There’s NO

question that the Lefty MSM and Democrats (though I repeat myself) are freaking out about this. As well they should.

It’s your problem because you depend on the news media to tell you what’s happening in the world, and they are entirely misleading you. You don’t have to see this as a conspiracy; they lie to themselves about what’s going on, because they have been trained to disable their own skeptical instincts when it comes to maintaining the Narrative.

Media Flying Monkeys

Do you even

need another reason?

Fighting Back Media Flying Monkeys

Rubio hit

back. And it’s about time! I’m just sick of the MSM dishonest weenies! Aren’t you?

“This highlights two major problems we have in this country. First, reporters believe no one is allowed to ask them questions. They take offense at the idea that you, me, or anyone else should dare to question the sanctity of their reporting. That arrogant, dismissive attitude is exactly why there is a crisis of confidence in our nation’s news outlets. They truly think they are better than everyone else.

“Second, Democrats get away with murder, literally. They are never pushed to answer specific questions about where they stand on the taking of human life. The truth is that every single Democrat supports taxpayer-funded abortion without any restrictions up until the moment a child is born. That is the truth, but Democrats never have to explain their radical position, because the press is all too willing to cover for them.”

Most of us have just had enough!

There’s no longer any reason for officials in either party not to challenge journalists of all stripes with questions about how they cover the news. Just as politicians must be held accountable, so must journalists who peddle stories based on demonstrable falsehoods.

Media Flying Monkeys

Funny that,

eh? It’s almost like this was never actually “fact-checking” but was always a series of mere political hatchet jobs!

But under President Biden, fact checkers are enjoying what feels like extended vacations or have simply checked out in terms of scrutinizing the many ways that he is misleading the public.

AND, Lefties sneered and said I was “paranoid” when I objected! Ah, but who’s laughing now? Oh yeah, ME!

Yeah, Lefty rubes were gulled. Again. Yet again…