
So, assuming Biden

will/can not run again (and I think that is an entirely reasonable assumption), who then?

There’s just no half-decent up-and-comer! The Democrat bench is totally empty. And it’s not like anyone goes from a practical unknown to President in two years!

So that leaves Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren. Wow, a lineup of total losers!

I strongly suspect that another name will float to the surface. But none will right now because Biden insists on maintaining the fantasy that he will run again. I mean, I understand that he doesn’t want to officially become a lame duck. But that means that valuable time for a challenger is going to waste.


Yeah, pretty


We’ve seen a HUGE shift in the Left.You didn’t leave them: They left you!

Losers Politics

If things happen

as expected, there will be no end to the Democrat blamestorming!

It’s just beginning!


Oh please,

oh please.



Right here in River City!

Culture Politics

Democrats just

got stomped.

Guys, it’s just the beginning…

People, run for school boards and other local positions!

That said, let’s not get complacent, folks. It’s on. And Democrats will fight like cornered rats. So DON’T think it’s over.


The Democrats

should be very worried. This may not happen. But it very well might. And to have it happen in France may well be a harbinger of what will happen here.

Why? Because in a huge shift, the left and the right hate the establishment more than they hate each other. Gurfinkiel says that what he calls the “Resentment Coalition” of left and right could command as much as 60% of the electorate. (It turns out that the “fringes,” put together, might make a supermajority.)

… The 2016 election of President Donald Trump was something of a “Resentment Coalition” victory itself. And that’s because our establishment has given citizens a lot to resent. (Media organizations promised to look into the Trump phenomenon, then quickly turned to demonizing Trump’s voters instead.)

If the establishment doesn’t want that, maybe it should stop inspiring resentment.

Current Events Politics

I’ll tell you

what I like about this: A lot of people are now telecommuting.

Sen. Mike Braun (R., Ind.) sent a letter to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), whose staff maintains telework policies except for a receptionist at his office’s front desk, calling for an end to all pandemic-era policies. Democrats’ reluctance to end COVID-19 policies, Braun wrote, is responsible for the loss of these jobs. [emphasis added]

So the staff is largely telecommuting. Hmmmm. And are you so naïve that you don’t think Senators and Representatives make use of this technology all the time already? Tell me again just why anyone needs to be in DC in order to be a Senator or Representative?

Seems to me that this is one of the easiest cases to make for telecommuting!

“You won the election–here is the VPN site and secure login, a phone number for 24-hour tech help, and a secure cell phone. You have a pot of money for a local office, and office and home security. You also have an allotment for staff, including an IT staff member. Thank you for your service. Senators and Representatives meet for a week together in March and in October–arrangements will be made for that and you will be notified. If you have any questions, just call.”

The pandemic has sucked. But it could lead to MUCH better governance.

Hopefully, the cafeteria is only the first thing to close…

Current Events Media Flying Monkeys Politics

To be honest,

I’m really not sure how much longer Biden will hang on. It seems pretty dang clear to me that the political “hit” has been put out on him–the MSM shills are “suddenly” talking abut Hunter Biden’s criminal leech/scrounge behavior and Joe’s general incompetence. Even BLM is now starting to come under fire. I think Hunter’s career as a barnacle is coming to a close.

Because it is beginning to be quite plain that Democrats are in BIG trouble, electorally.

So under the bus Joe Biden goes! And it is just starting…

Now I thought this would happen after the mid-terms. And it still might. There is really not much time left, now. And if Joe fights it, it won’t be over for a year.

A second option for Democrats is to get Joe’s cooperation and for it to happen closer to the mid-terms (end of August?), so Kamala has a “honeymoon” that spans the elections. Because after about 3 months, people will be heartily disgusted with her. Her popularity will probably peak at about five weeks, assuming no big events.

The problem, of course, is that Kamala is currently even more unpopular than Joe! So it may be “out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

But Joe’s creeping senility has started to gallup, and it’s not at all clear that Democrats can wait a lot longer.

Hence, all the sudden MSM volte-face on Hunter Biden and Joe’s obvious perfidy.

Don’t be a blinkin’ fool and think that the MSM are now “just reporting the facts.” PUH-LEEEZ! No, they are as much partisan hacks as they have ever been. It’s just that the master plan has now changed…



You can’t make this crap up! When a hard Leftist shill gives Biden a “C” for the week, you know there is trouble right here in River City!