Illegal Immigration Immorality Treason

Here comes

another Democrat border dirty trick! Yet another…

Four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials told the Washington Post this week that the agency has “drafted plans to release thousands of [illegal] immigrants” to cover a $700 million budget shortfall that the now-dead Senate deal was supposed to cover. Arguably worse, ICE also threatened to “slash its capacity to hold detainees.” It’s an upgraded version of the existing catch-and-release system but without the catch part — so much easier, don’t you think?

Are these folks on our side at all? Are they ALL traitors? Maybe they console themselves by saying to themselves, “Just following orders!” Sheesh! But at some point they are going to catch a glimpse of themselves in the mirror…


Well, yeah.

We actually all knew that.

Wait a second here. Biden is now considering executive action to secure the border? That’s funny, because for three years now, Biden has repeatedly claimed that Congress had to do something about the border, and just last month, he insisted he had done all that he could to address it.

“Biden” wants an open border. The strategy is crystal clear: Bring in people you think will vote Democrat. Of course, these people are not totally a sure thing in terms of the way they vote…

And the VERY real risk to the country in terms of “bad guys” slipping easily into the country, well, that’s not Joe’s concern!

Oath of office? What oath of office?

I think we need to look at the hard facts that the President is almost for sure a traitor. It’s hard to imagine, but yeah.

Dishonesty Treason

“Biden” doesn’t

need more power and authority to fix the humanitarian mess HE created. He could do it right now.

But SPOILER, he won’t. And that puts the lie to his efforts to get even more power. Even if this pig passed, it wouldn’t help the border–far from it. It would only give $60 million more of your money to Ukraine. “Biden” won’t do a dang thing about our southern border.

IF he were sincere, he would have acted already. It’s a ruse. The fact that he hasn’t shows that he really won’t. Ever.

Evil Treason

The tidal wave

of illegal immigrants crossing our border is a result of “Biden’s” deliberate actions. It certainly could be slowed to a trickle. But he refuses to do it.

Don’t be a rube–this is deliberate!


Just look at what

Joe Biden has done! It’s tempting to just chalk this up to the fact that he is a senile old idiot.

But no, I don’t think that covers it. Actually, I think he is a traitor.

Dishonesty Epic fail Treason

Yeah, whatever,

Joe. Freakin’ liar…

Joe Biden Announces Border Is Broken After He Broke It – Says He Can Fix It When He Hasn’t – Asks for Authority Which He Already Has – Wants You to Believe He Will Take Action When We All Know He Won’t

That’s the headline. Oh, and how he spent your tax dollars:

Joe Biden later sold these border wall parts for scrap to some lucky soul for pennies on the dollar.

What a turd he is!

Over ten million illegals have now walked across the open border into the United States since Joe Biden took office.

…In December a record 302,034 walked across the border into the United States. More migrants crossed into the US in one month than the total population of several prominent US cities like Buffalo, St. Louis, and Greensboro, North Carolina – IN ONE MONTH!

Regardless of whether you consider yourself a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent, are you paying attention to this?


I honestly

didn’t see the battle coming here, And yet here it is

Joe Biden’s border policy is unconstitutional. Under Article II, his most fundamental duty as president is to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” Biden has not faithfully executed our immigration laws; rather, he has deliberately sabotaged and negated them. This is an impeachable offense, but what to do in the meantime?

Governor Abbott is not backing down. He is asserting Texas’s constitutional right to defend itself against foreign invasion. Yesterday’s memo throws down the gauntlet and says that Texas will continue to defend its border.

And MANY states are on Texas’ side! And more are coming.

Will there be blood? I sure hope not. I really hope not. But this is a VERY dangerous situation. It’s a powder keg!

BONUS QUESTION: Lefties, tell me why it is OK to be “sanctuary cities” in violation of Federal law, but not OK for states to defend their own border.


Uhm, yeah.

The border crisis was always Joes intent and plan. In other words, he is a traitor, and id NOT eligible to run for President.

The White House has repeatedly sought to blame Republicans for the crisis that they don’t official recognize as a crisis, but confidential documents obtained by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) have pulled the curtain back on the border crisis, revealing that the historic influx of illegal immigrants is entirely by design.

Fighting Back Treason


Go get him!

Mr. Conrad also joined with three other voters—Shane Bouvet, Peggy Hubbard, and Terry Newsome—in filing the second objection, which holds President Biden to be ineligible under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

… The clause bars those who previously took an oath to support the Constitution “as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State” from holding any state or federal office, “civil or military,” after having taken certain actions against the United States.

… “Overtly beginning January 20, 2021, Joseph Biden has intentionally declined to enforce laws of the United States, in particular relation to the security of our country’s border,” they held.

Yes, Joe Biden is a traitor, and as such is simply not eligible to run for President. Now, let’s get other states doing the same thing!


It’s absolutely

true. States should take action accordingly!