Dementia Joe

Yeah, because

he plainly isn’t!

Just 36 percent of registered voters said that Biden is “mentally up for the job” of being president…

… 73 percent of voters said that they felt Biden was too old to seek a second term. If elected, Biden would be 81 years old, and would end his second term at 86 years of age. Biden was already the oldest elected president in 2020, at 77 years old.


It’s time to

stand up and save our country! Put your lame and inconsequential quibbles aside, and defend the country!

Captain Obvious Current Events Human Misery

So are we officially

a 3rd world country now?

A Giant grocery store in Southeast Washington, DC, has removed name brands like Advil, Colgate, and Tide from its shelves to better prevent a spike in theft.

Beyond the removal of brands, shoppers at Giant will also be required to show their receipts to security guards before exiting the store.

THIS is the fruit of Leftism. Always and everywhere. And it is very fertile ground for vigilanteism–a really bad outcome.

Just know that whatever you sow, that also shall ye reap…

Lefties, you simply CAN’T avoid the consequences of your actions! Sooner or later, those pesky consequences will find you. So get out of your Lefty bubble! Just how long are you going to blow smoke and say that your policies lead to fairies and unicorns?

I’m not buying. I am a historical Empiricist. And I’m not stupid, you know…

Culture Psychopathology

Yes, Trump is

leading a movement.

This no longer just political, is has become cultural due to the foam-flecked Lefties narcisistic-insult-fueled, OCD-like pursuit of Trump. It has shown hardcore Democrats to be both loony and monomaniacal.

And regular people bristle at the manifest unfairness, the kooky Javert-like pursuit of Trump. Democrats have shown that it is not at all about the issues, but is instead an irrational, spittle-lipped mania.

One indictment may have been reasonable, but four? All motivated by prosecutors’ hatred of Donald Trump? Most sane voters see that as the political hit job that it is. And Americans love an underdog.

Trump has become the leader of the plucky rebellion against Darth Vader and the evil Galactic Empire…

Now, thanks to Democrat goofy and irrational lust for revenge, it is no longer just policy, it is culture!

Captain Obvious Culture

Oh yes,

that is true:

Do what you want. No one gives a crap. Just leave others alone and don’t abuse non-consenting adults.

Current Events

Yep, the medical

community sold us out. They just wanted their 30 pieces of silver…

"Global Warming" nonsense Anti-scientific stance


There is an instrumentation threat to the validity of these studies! Gee, I’ve only been saying that for the past twenty years…

As a scientist, the problem I see is that there has been a widespread willingness by scientists and politicians to avoid careful examination of the threats to the validity of the whole “Global Warming” theory.

And it is really quite obvious that “scientists” would assert “Global Warming” because by doing so they yield to two of the three objectives of ALL despotic temptations–money and power.

The three universal despotic driving forces behind every single act of despotism are: Money, Power, and Sex.

Whenever you see despotic behavior, the impetus driving the behavior is at least one of those three things, and very often some combination of them.

Just know and be on the lookout: It is always driven by money, power, sex, or some combination of those three. ALWAYS. Even in Matthew 4 the temptations of Christ were ALL based on personal gain (money) and power! So, explicitly two of the three–with the third very much implied…

Public Opinion

Yep, people

are catching on.

Almost half the country thinks Joe Biden is corrupt, according to a new YouGov poll.

Anti-scientific stance Bad Faith

Yeah, Fauci

is a scientific embarrassment!

I mean, how stupid would you have to be to say or believe that there is NO effect on the whole but the individual people that make up that whole show a scientific effect?

Huh? No really, THAT is Fauci’s argument!

Absolutely gobsmacking. How does anyone with even a smidgeon of scientific understanding believe such nonsense? Un-freakin’-believable!

It is just ridiculous in the extreme.

Wow. Fauci is clearly a liar.


My bet?


I think Maxwell’s golden hammer was the best chance of this all coming out. But for whatever reason, she didn’t sing. So I am doubtful that that the true will ever get out. At least not in the next 75 years.

There are just too many powerful Democrats swamp creatures who would have their evil exposed.