Current Events

Haiti: So much

potential. It could literally be a tropical paradise.

Instead it is Hell on earth.

I gotta tell you, I love Haiti. I lived there for years. I speak fluent Haitian Creole. But this article showed a dead body near the road “Delmas.” Yeah, at one point I lived in the upper Delmas area! I’m fairly sure I have been in that exact spot of the road…

Haiti hasn’t always been a completely disorganized craphole. For now though, the Caribbean island nation shows us a real-time example of just how the veneer of civilization is thinner than most people think. With a bona fide cannibal gang leader now in charge, thugs with guns are the law. Given the very unstable nature of daily life, how long will it take for a massive flotilla of boats full of illiterate Haitians to head for America?

I weep for Haiti.

DUH! Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Yeah, more

MSM hoax.

Honestly, haven’t you figured out that the MSM lies to you? Here’s the deal: Trump is beating Biden in the polls like the proverbial red-headed stepchild, so the MSM nannies hitch up their hoop skirts and jump in with lies in order to save their boyfriend…

It is SOOO obvious!

You know, THIS kind of crap is why people are so angry and TOTALLY distrust the MSM. The MSM have proven themselves to be mere dishonest, boot-licking toadies.

Current Events

Hey Kamala,

it appears that the long knives are out for you!

The whole column, titled “For the Country’s Sake, Vice President Harris Should Step Aside,” is just a brutal explainer as to why Harris is such a drag on Biden’s administration and re-election efforts. To actually see the sentence “She was picked because she was Black and female, a combo tantamount to job security,” from someone on the left is stunning, even if it’s the most accurate statement regarding Harris’ job. [emphasis added]

Current Events Politics Polls

A little more

cheerful data:

If this trend holds up on election day, it portends a near-extinction level event for Democrats. Democrats depend on minority votes to win elections. They haven’t won the white vote in a presidential election for 60 years. This can only mean one thing: Democrats will turn up the racism charge all the way to 11 and beyond. But after dealing the race card from the bottom of the deck for so long, will it still work as well (except among guilty white liberals and the college-miseducated)?


Continetti thinks

that the shift we are seeing is real. I sure hope so!

My colleague at the American Enterprise Institute Ruy Teixeira, as well as GOP pollster Patrick Ruffini, have storehouses of data that show Democrats losing non-college-educated minority voters—Hispanic voters in particular—to Republicans. Each new survey confirms their findings. The evidence is overwhelming.

… “The migration we’re seeing today is not so much natural Democrats becoming disillusioned,” writes Burn-Murdoch, “but natural Republicans realizing they’ve been voting for the wrong party.” That has made Trump’s GOP more diverse, more non-college, and more conservative.

… A realigned politics is unstable. As the Democrats become the party of college-educated, affluent insiders, they become removed from the world of non-college-educated workers who feel ignored or excluded from elite institutions and expert decision-making. The professionalization of print, digital, and broadcast media has estranged writers and talkers from most Americans. The highly educated, highly compensated denizens of Washington, D.C., and its surrounding counties have become a world unto themselves.

… The Democratic coalition has imploded. And the fourth stage of realignment—raucous, demotic, performative, over-the-top, transgressive, and potentially earth-shattering—is about to begin.

Captain Obvious Lefty Squalor

Well, this is

what you get when you chronically vote for Democrats!

Dementia Joe

Yes, yes.

And they’re not the only ones who have noticed!

Meth. The explanation is meth.

That wasn’t a one-off either. The entire week following the State of the Union, Biden appeared to decline significantly, and it wasn’t just about what he said. His physical appearance has become just as hot of a topic, and things are getting downright scary. 

I challenge anyone to watch that clip of a clearly confused Biden having to be guided through a door by handlers and say it’s normal. Never mind that he also smacked his face into it. Something is seriously wrong with the president, and it’s not just right-wing commentators that are noticing. 

Current Events

Yeah, it didn’t

help him.

In the week since Biden’s State of the Union, his last before his election against former President Donald Trump amid speculation the pair may not take part in any debates, Biden’s average approval-disapproval rating has remained roughly the same, 38%-56%, according to FiveThirtyEight. Another polling aggregator, RealClearPolitics, did find his approval increased during the same time period, but by less than a percentage point to 40%, while his disapproval decreased by the same percentage change to 55%.

Family Political Strategy


it does! <shakes head>

Just be aware; Lefty attacks are always at heart an attack against the family unit. Many are more subtle–like welfare for single moms (something almost all of us support at some level). But the truth is that the government becomes “the man” in the relationship and provides for the family).

Further along that spectrum is a normalization of homosexuality. In that case, there is no family at all (or children with parents, at least). Further still is the non-approximation of marriage, with “drag queens” and all sorts of dehumanizing stuff.

But here we have some sort of “professor” attacking marriage and family itself.

“I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy,” Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family.

Yes, of course…


The God hole

In the past, thinkers have talked about a personality void left behind as a result of not believing in God. And this happens even though we as a society have entered an “age of reason” where there is little to no official religiosity at all.

That “God Hole” gets filled with all sorts of modern cults like political party affiliation or “Global Warming” and such.The psychological “hole” remains, and WILL get filled with something.

In other words, the impulse toward religiosity is totally unchanged. This is what was once known by psychologists as “slot movement”–there is no actual change, just movement along the same “slot” to the opposite position. The “slot” has not changed a bit. The change is quite superficial.

As G. K. Chesterson reportedly said, “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

Yes, because the “slot” remains–there has been no fundamental change.