Age-related decline

The fact that

Biden is using CPAP is not concerning to me. The fact that he is riddled with dementia IS.

Age-related decline

As well they


A majority of voters are worried about President Joe Biden’s mental and physical fitness, a poll released Thursday found.

You read that right– 59 percent!

Age-related decline Buffoons

Oh it’s

funny all right!

I agree that the old man falling thing is ALONE not generally funny, but there is SO much more to it, here.

Age-related decline Current Events

Let’s just

face the facts, here. When an 80-year-old man takes a fall, it is VERY dangerous. He could easily have broken a hip!

And Kamala smiles hungrily…

Age-related decline

Kamala Harris


At what point does the White House stop succeeding in covering this stuff up by claiming he’s fine? It’s not surprising at all he hit his head coming out of Marine One given how vicious his fall at the USAF academy was. The claims that he was uninjured are laughable. At the very least, he was likely dazed by the incident and sore afterward.

Age-related decline Bad Faith

A Trump

vs. Biden debate would very much highlight what a decrepit, senile old codger Biden is.

And THAT is why it will never happen. Mark my words…

Age-related decline

Will Joe make it

to the 2024 elections? Many think not. He was ALWAYS a senile buffoon (since 2020)–it has NOT been a secret. But I’m not sure a Democrat reckoning can be held off much longer.

“Just 32% overall think Biden has the mental sharpness it takes to serve effectively as president, down steeply from 51% when he was running for president three years ago,” ABC’s Gary Langer notes.

Age-related decline Captain Obvious

Yeah, but does

anyone honestly think that Biden is actually driving the bus? Anyone with greater than room-temperature IQ, that is.

Oh sure, wacky Democrat partisan hacks may say that Biden is running things, but it’s not as if they actually believe it! No one does. Certainly a majority of Americans don’t.

And people are fleeing this rickety old crap-wagon:

Rice leaving raises a new question: who exactly is steering this sinking ship? Ron Klain, the man whom people used to talk about as being in charge, is gone. Now Rice, the Obama connection, is gone, too. Things were already so bad; who is at the helm here? We know there are still folks behind the scenes directing Biden’s every move. But has there been a break within the powers that be, with the Obama connection ducking out?

… They can keep trying to lie to the American people, but we can see what’s going on in front of our own eyes.

Age-related decline Dementia Joe

Oh, you

don’t say!

Nah, I think we’ve got it appraised just fine: Grandpa Joe is more or less OK during limited hours, provided everything is scripted for him, there are no surprises or challenges, and he gets to spend the weekends resting up.

Age-related decline

Lefties, we need

to have a little talk about Biden’s competency.

Look, I had to take the keys to the car away form first my dad and then my mom. I understand it is difficult. Yup! But it needs to be done, just the same…