Buffoons Captain Obvious

I think Newsom’s

Presidential dreams have foundered on the shoals of his fiscal buffoonery.

Buffoons Media Flying Monkeys

Interesting to see

that even some of the most egregious Lefty offenders now have to bow to reality.



pretty much.

“This was a close call,” said one Republican leader in Washington. “We were worried that we would achieve massive victories tonight, but we thankfully snatched defeat from the jaws of victory to achieve a much more proper and sensible red trickle, like the proper gentlemen we are.”

Biden-Induced Human Misery Buffoons




No, no

they don’t.

And honestly, do you EVEN wonder why?

The only needle Biden has a chance of moving there is the one they’re apparently sticking in his hand for his pre-speech Adderall hit.

Buffoons Current Events

New word for all

the “woke” Twitter employees:

Buffoons Epic fail

Well, it was

an epic troll. I honestly didn’t know the crude meaning of “ligma,” either (don’t hit the link if you are easily offended by crude humor).

But you gotta admit, it was a HUGE troll. Cosmic. “Rahul Ligma.” Wow!

It was the best kind of mocking, in my book–they were mocked to their faces and then publicized it and didn’t even know that they were being mocked as a fool!


Yeah, don’t

worry, Bob.


The wisdom of

Joe Biden: “My legislation says there can be no more than eight bullets in a round,” Biden said.

Wow, what a freakin’ IDIOT!

I’d like to think that him saying this is just the Dementia. But no, I think he really IS that ignorant!

(h/t AC-A)

Buffoons Media Flying Monkeys

Just brutal!

Totally. And the interviewer was completely ignorant of the facts. What, did she get her information from the lefty fever swamps?

What a moron!

No freakin’ WONDER the MSM is a laughingstock among educated and informed people!

As per the norm, the media are going all out in the final weeks before the election in a clear effort to rescue Joe and his fellow Democrats, even if they have to continue smearing Trump supporters in the process. Sadly for the MSM, all signs are not just pointing to a red wave of significant proportions, but trust in the media as an institution has crumbled, so their machinations – while predictable – are likely to have little to no impact, as the above MSNBC reporter found out the hard way. 

Regular people are rightfully angry. And that anger should inform how they vote in November…

My prediction? People are already angry, and if Democrats cheat and steal yet again, there will be Hell to pay. That’s NOT a threat, it is a prediction. Let’s ALL hope it never gets to that point…