
Just shut up, you

freakin hypocrites!

How Lefty of you–you are happy to have border states shoulder the burden while YOU prance and preen and pontificate about how “inclusive” you are!

Maybe YOU should bear some of the burden of your policies! <SHEESH!>

It seems that you policy in eating a salad with a friend is to pick out all the ham chunks and leave all the kale for the other person to eat! What a gem you are…


Yeah, that’s

kind of, uh, IRONIC, isn’t it?

Evil Clown GetWokeGoBroke Hypocrisy

Wait, wait!

I thought Adams liked immigrants!

It’s going to come to your neighborhoods. All of us are going to be impacted by this,” Adams said. “I said it last year when we had 15,000. I’m telling you now with 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose.” [emphasis dded]

Gee, sounds kind of, uh, WASP-y, doesn’t it?

Hypocrisy Poetic Justice

Sure, it’s a

real bummer when your own overweening hypocrisy bites you in the butt!

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey has activated 250 members of the National Guard to provide basic services at emergency shelter hotels amid an influx of migrants that has service providers stretched thin. 

You can just hear the whine in the Governor’s voice!

“Massachusetts is in a state of emergency, and we need all hands-on deck to meet this moment and ensure families have access to safe shelter and basic services,” Healey said in a statement.

Not so awesome now that YOU face some of the consequences of your crap-eating grandstanding, eh? YOU thought that all the posturing and preening and virtue-signaling was free, didn’t you?

You fool!


Yeah, it’s called

crap-eating hypocrisy.

Wednesday marked the one-year anniversary of misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). As Katie highlighted, the White House is trying to frame it as a climate change bill, while also claiming “that the benefits will be delivered over time.” Also of note is the response from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), whose support was crucial for the IRA to pass, and who has since, at times, criticized the bill. 

He’s dead, Jim. Manchin is politically dead.

Hypocrisy Poetic Justice

I guess the political

leaders of these Lefty cities thought that they could just virtue-signal forever. They were wrong.

The seemingly low-cost virtue signaling of declaring your non-border city or state a “sanctuary” for illegal immigrants has now revealed its hefty price tag.

At some point, the piper demands to be paid!

You know, they are the ones who created this mess. They and their mindless voters. It’s like they murdered their parents and are now begging for mercy on the grounds that they are just poor little orphans!

Hypocrisy Ignorance and Arrogance

Yeah, it’s rather

a puzzle, isn’t it. Though to be honest, logic and consistency were never strong suits for the Left.


I guess they

are not really sanctuary cities, eh?

What poseurs! What losers! The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife!

Hypocrisy Psychopathology The Loony Left

Yeah, self-awareness

is NOT a strong suit with these guys! They are just not very good at introspection–it is inherently threatening to their sense of self.

But you gotta admit, the crap-eating hypocrisy is nothing but (unintentional) comedy gold!

Bad Faith Hypocrisy

NO ONE believes

that it is not political. No one.

Trump is being punished for refusing to recant his belief, a reasonable one, that the political process was fatally corrupted in 2020 and that Biden, consequently, is illegitimate. The indictment is a shot across the bow at anyone who shares Trump’s “false” unbelief in “our democracy.” Of course, when “our democracy” was perverted from its natural end, as it was during the Trump interregnum, the rules shifted dramatically. Back then, it was courageous to call the president a traitor and a usurper; it was “resistance” rather than “coup.”