Buffoons Hypocrisy


is not happy about it!

Lefties are ALL for illegal immigration–as long as it doesn’t afect them!

Dealing with these unwashed masses is SO for “the little people,” amIright?

Energy Epic fail Hypocrisy

Honestly, if

you are not for nuclear power, you are NOT an environmentalist and you are a stinkin’ hypocrite!

Yeah, fill up the landfills with toxic and inefficient unrecycled (and unable to be recycled) solar panels and windmill blades! Then prance and preen and tell people that you are an environmentalist…


Remember when

the MSM just loved whistleblowers?

Good times

Deception Hypocrisy

There is a BIG

difference between hypocrisy and deceptiveness. Let me explain…

Those who are hypocrites actually share the same goals as “based” people, they just don’t live up to them. Usually it is out of weakness, but sometimes out of mere ignorance. The prototypical example is the cowardly soldier.

But it is a totally different ball game with those who are deceptive. These folks pretend to have the same goals as the rest of us, but in actuality they are “double agents” who act as if they want what’s best for people, but in actuality are enemies to the country and deliberately work to undermine it. The prototypical example is the Rosenbergs.

I think that at the top of Democrat circles, there are a lot of “Rosenbergs.” Their journey to the Dark Side is pretty much complete. But as you go lower and lower down the hierarchy, more and more are just garden-variety hypocrites.

And that is a good thing! That means these people may be misguided, but they actually have the same goals as the rest of us. Hypocrisy is FAR less of a problem than deliberate deceptiveness! It means that there is a chance for change.

Now this is a spectrum, not a categorical distinction. So almost ALL Leftists start out as hypocrites and some then get “captured” and inch toward deceptiveness. And I think that mere hypocrites are more amenable to logic, reason, and change (which is why discussion and debate are verboten in harder Lefty circles).

Bad Faith Deception Hypocrisy

Yeah, Democrats!

Get over it! Don’t go into your manufactured “where’s-my-fainting-couch?” routine. YOU support what Hunter is doing and then pretend to be affronted by images of… what YOU support!

YOU advocate far worse in schools! I mean, what does MTG think this is, an elementary school library! Give me a freakin’ break!

Yeah, I’m FAR from impressed by your stupid schtick, Lefties…

The sheer hypocrisy is both disgusting and amazing! Sorry, I am not so stupid as to fall for your theatre-of-the-absurd prancing and preening and pontificating. Talk about faux outrage!

Yet there is no shortage of greasy long-haired Democrat Portland dupes (and their weaselly sympathizers) who will gulp this crap down like it was watered-down Bud Light. More’s the pity…

Hypocrisy Lefty meltdown Political philosophy Stooooopid!

Gee, not much

of a sanctuary city, eh?

If anything has ever shown how ignorant the radical left is, this crisis has revealed their stupidity in full flower. The shelter law doesn’t matter if there’s no shelter. Is Adams supposed to declare martial law and evict people from their homes to make room for illegals?

Funny how people always turn to conservative solutions when they are faced with a problem!

As has been said many times, everyone is Conservative about what they know best…

Hypocrisy Ignoramuses

Don’t be hypocrites,

Ben & Jerry! Just give your “stolen” land back!

Buffoons Hypocrisy

Well, Biden USED

to be against cluster bombs. But no more.

Remember, past data are no indication of current returns…

The United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Spain have called upon U.S. President Joe Biden to not send cluster bombs to Ukraine amid concerns over the danger they pose to civilian populations.

Evil Clown Hypocrisy Stooooopid!

So it turns

out that Ben & Jerry’s is on “stolen” land. Anyone want to bet that they will return it to the “rightful owners?” Anyone?

Ben & Jerry’s has called on the US to give back “stolen Indigenous land” including Mount Rushmore — and now a Native American chief in Vermont said he’d like to talk about the land that’s under the ice cream maker’s headquarters.

Pot, meet kettle.


Hypocrisy Incompetence

Well, you know

things change.

President Joe Biden will be sending cluster bombs to Ukraine to use in its war against Russia, the White House confirmed Friday. But he has opposed their use in the past, especially by Israel in the Lebanon War in 1982.