Current Events Media Flying Monkeys

Is Biden even

paying attention? I’m just not sure what color the sky is in his world!

PLUS, we are just now starting to see a little reporting that is (very mildly) critical of Joe Biden! Oh sure, most mainstream reporting is TOTALLY “in the tank” for Joe Biden, but now we are seeing some furtive MSM criticisms (or hints of them).

Biden has served his purpose. So NOW the MSM can turn on him in a frantic effort to save even a shred of their own credibility. And my prediction is that we will see more and more of this as the ‘rats scurry off the sinking USS Biden.

Liars Media Flying Monkeys

Uh, YUP!

Hillary lied and the MSM lapdogs greedily sucked it up. Gee, hardly a shocker, now is it? (Hillary lied? <clutches pearls>). These MSM shills are the enemy of a free and open society, plain and simple.

It’s time to drop the words “fake news,” “hoax,” and any other descriptor short of blatant and purposeful lies, in reference to Hillary Clinton’s engineering, oversight, and final approval of releasing to the sock-puppet media a preposterous fairy tale that even the worst of armchair sleuths could spot as complete bullcrap. 

But warning: Reading the whole thing might make you puke…

But A TON of willfully and deliberately ignorant “regular Joe” people believed it. Or at least pretended they did. They were suckers for anything that reinforced their pre-judged, MSM-provoked biases. They weren’t looking for TRUTH, they were looking to have their ego stroked. You know who you are! Shame on you!

Most of the press will ignore this news, but the Russia-Trump narrative that Mrs. Clinton sanctioned did enormous harm to the country. It disgraced the FBI, humiliated the press, and sent the country on a three-year investigation to nowhere. Vladimir Putin never came close to doing as much disinformation damage.

Hey you rubes who got fooled, how about you straighten up and fly right! You’d think that you would have had enough of being lied to by now!

It’s maddening!

And we also KNOW for sure that the MSM flying monkeys lied about Hunter in an effort to protect Joe.

The media, their “fact-checkers,” the Democrats, and the entire Biden family. They all lied.

… So far, the media has not made a big deal about all this. One would think it would be big news. A president who ran on a lie, his son who made and allegedly hid millions in income from one of our biggest enemies, and decades of corruption from some of our top officials. But it is all of little interest to the media.

And YOU. Have YOU learned to be a bit more careful?

Bad Faith Media Flying Monkeys


Yeah, that’s the right word.

Lefty Political Philosophy Media Flying Monkeys

The Lefty

stranglehold is crumbing. And Leftists are rightfully freaking out. Remember, the ONLY reason Lefties can get away with their characteristic avoidance of rational argument is because the Left controls virtually ALL mainstream sources of information.

But if that changes…

Like the guy who hasn’t walked for 10 years and had his leg muscles atrophy, the Left’s logical argument “muscles” have severely atrophied. Such are the wages of Lefty avoidance…

Latest Lefty shuck-N-jive? “Biden’s” new Ministry of truth!
Dishonesty Evil Media Flying Monkeys

Disgusting and

lame partisan hacks masquerading as journalists. If you still suck down the bilge that the MSM gives you, you are a damned fool.

I mean, C’mon! You know better!

In the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, the high-profile Washington reporter Franklin Foer, according to recently-published documents, did something that would, in all likelihood, get an intern run out of town: He showed a full draft of an unpublished story to one of the co-founders of Fusion GPS, the Democratic-allied research firm notorious for producing a dubious dossier containing the claim that Donald Trump was being blackmailed by the owners of a “pee tape.” More troublingly still, this isn’t the only time Foer has contravened a fundamental journalistic norm—or the only time his editors have apparently let it slide.

… Sending a draft of a story to a source ahead of its publication is—and is widely regarded as—a red-letter journalistic offense, the sort of thing that generates stories when even the hint of it arises.

….At the moment, Foer and the outlet where he works aren’t saying anything about his apparent decisions to share drafts of stories with highly partisan third parties.

Conspiracy Media Flying Monkeys

Well, we KNEW

it. But now we have hard proof.

Whatever the coverage, Durham’s filings make abundantly clear the Clinton campaign used the media to spread uncorroborated Russia allegations to dirty up Trump at the same time its emissaries were trying to get the FBI, the CIA and the State Department to investigate the same dirt.

Current Events Media Flying Monkeys

So just why

did it take so long?

Basically, the MSM actively foisted this senile dolt on us. And now they don’t want to take blame for the mess they made.

President Joe Biden lies about pretty much everything and his professed lack of knowledge of Hunter Biden’s sketchy foreign business dealings is no exception. Despite mounting evidence that Biden knew of and was involved in his son’s overseas transactions, the corporate media gladly ignored his role in the Biden family business and subdued any evidence suggesting otherwise.

But see, now the political “hit” has gone out on Slow Joe:

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago, however, that the corrupt press bothered to start asking about the president’s connections to his son’s deals.

That’s because Joe’s undeniable corruption and raging senility can no longer be denied. The plan was always for him to be a “place-holder.” Joe himself even blurted that out (though search engines have tried to hide that inconvenient fact)!

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago, however, that the corrupt press bothered to start asking about the president’s connections to his son’s deals.

Yes, the original plan is intact, though of necessity sped up a bit. But the timing is tricky for Democrats: They need “Weekend At Bernie’s” Biden to keep going at least until the mid-terms. Kamala has become so excruciatingly unpopular that they really can’t afford for her to be the leader of the party.

Instead, the corrupt press lied that the laptop was “Russian disinformation” and refused to cover the treasure trove of corruption exposed by emails and documents on the Mac. Big Tech also censored any mention of Hunter’s laptop into oblivion just one month before the November 2020 election. It wasn’t until recently that these same major outlets that refused to cover the bombshell information reported by the New York Post admitted that the laptop is legit.

So dementia Joe it must be. They will just limp him along as long as best they can…

There’s plenty of evidence that Biden was involved and may have even profited off of Hunter’s foreign business dealings but the propaganda press refused to ask the right questions at the right time. They were so wrapped up in fixing the narrative to ensure a Biden victory that they failed to do their jobs and now Americans, many of whom said they would have voted differently in 2020 if they knew about Hunter’s laptop and the Biden family corruption, are paying for it.

Buffoons Current Events Media Flying Monkeys



I hate it when that happens!

Media Flying Monkeys

Yes, I dearly


The subscription service is averaging about as many daily users as a dirty bathroom in a small-town diner. It’s not even a month old and the higher-ups are ready to bail. This failure reflects directly on CNN, of course. The once-respected news network has been hemorrhaging viewers for years, having devolved into bad self-parody in the Trump and post-Trump era.

Despotism Evil Media Flying Monkeys

Just remember,

MSM evil clowns are dead-set against free speech. And NOW the masks are well and truly off. The monster has finally shown its face! YOU can no longer pretend that “There is good in both positions.”

There’s not. So now, which side are YOU on? Are you on “Team Evil” or “Team Good?” You KNOW you’ve gotta choose sides, don’t you?

Yes, the Left is “triggered.”

Journos are now brazenly calling for censorship. They’re panicking that Elon Musk will take over their favorite bird website and let anybody say whatever they want. Just imagine all the precious egos that will be shattered.

These political activists with press passes have always thought they’re better than you and hated you for disagreeing, but now they’re not even pretending to give a damn about free speech.

… I’m a Musk agnostic, but he sure is showing us who these arrogant buttholes really are. And all he has to do is exhibit a base understanding of free speech.

Me? I am for moral agency, for free speech. And we ALL have to eventually explicitly make that call.

Choose wisely…