Corruption Justice Morality

Well, justice demands

that there be a real investigation.

But of course, some people are NOT on the side of justice. Are YOU?

Current Events Morality Truth


That is just BRUTAL! Watch the video.

Trump was a mere symptom of the amazing irritation and aggravation that the entire world is facing! Yeah, he may or may not be President again, but he put his finger right on the festering pustule that is “Global Elitism.”

And some leaders around the world are informed now by this same spirit.

The TRUTH is that it’s not about Trump the person. Giorgia Meloni (among many others outside of the U.S.) shows that. The MSM has tried really hard to ignore people rising up around the world, but I don’t think they can forever.

Folks, it was never about Trump the person.

The Trump flag is a phenomenon I have written about for years. I have noted that this wasn’t really about Trump himself — it was mostly about the conservative populist movement, using the name of its only standard-bearer to let people know they were not going anywhere. At that point, no one else had stepped up to fill the void. And so the flag bore the Trump name.

And that is what is so existentially threatening to the soi-disant global “elites.” THAT is why they ginned up all the Trump hatred they could. That is why they have cheated so hard in elections. They wanted us to think it is all just Trump.

They hoped that maybe if they could stop him they could forestall the flood–it was their only hope. And they knew they could fool spleen-thinking US voter hordes into following them, to share in their irrational hate.

But the sea-wall is starting to fracture and they are standing there with their fingers in the dike frantically trying to prevent a deluge. Can they do it? Well, they will certainly try…


Something most

Lefties need to grapple seriously with:


Yep, it is


So what side are YOU on? Where is YOUR sense of morality? Decide who you really are.

Change Morality

Yeah, we’re

not doing some kind of lovey-dovey “amnesty” for the stupid Karens and Chads who harmed our kids, destroyed the economy, and made our lives a living Hell for the last couple of years!

No. They didn’t even ask for forgiveness! Most of them have stubbornly refused to even admit that they were wrong! There is NO change without that first step!

Just no. There times JUSTICE is appropriate, especially for the unrepentant. IF they were repentant, almost all of us would quickly forgive. But they are not, so I want justice!

If we don’t make them feel real pain as a result of their actions, they will just do it again. The scientific data were quite clear, even early on. And yet Leftists used it to hammer Conservatives. So now we need a reckoning…

Morality Political philosophy

Leftists who also

consider themselves religious are in for a shock.

Christian Lefties, you DO realize that your religion and your politics are irreconcilable, right? And soon you will have to choose one or the other.

There are already many “Christian” Democrats who selectively look away from sexual libertinism and wink indulgently at infanticide. And those lines, while more than a bit blurry for most of us 20 years ago, are NOW in stark relief.

But it WILL get worse–much worse. The chasm between traditional religion and Lefty politics is getting wider and wider by the day. But even now, one can only straddle the divide by intentionally and very selectively ignoring certain things.

Yes, that divide was a manageable position 30 years ago. But today the contortions are no longer rationally or logically even possible.

Already, lots of people are christian (with a small “c”), but Democrat (with a capital “D”). And the day is rapidly approaching when they can no longer maintain even that. The cognitive dissonance and the external pressure will be just too great for them. It simply won’t be possible to practically maintain both allegiances.

Religious people, the Democrat party is NOT your natural “home.” Come home. Please, read the article. And weep.

Despotism Morality

Holy Hannah, why?

Well, there are reasons. I think it’s a species of the “broken windows” approach to fighting crime: If you hammer “little” actions, you prevent big ones.

In addition, you make an example of prominent people. You get people saying, “Holy crap! If it can happen to them it can happen far more easily to ME!” It is a form of terrorism, where anyone is vulnerable, and the point is to frighten people into compliance…

The Washington Times noted that Patrick Eddington of the Cato Institute obtained redacted documents showing that U.S. Postal Service inspectors monitored the mail of some American citizens. The impetus for the move? These people were gun rights activists and had issues with the election of Joe Biden. The office spied on gun activists who attended a gathering in Richmond, Va.,  what the Times calls “far-right” groups who went to D.C. after Biden’s election, and even those who gathered to protest the shooting of Breonna Taylor. [emphasis added]

… So ambition, mixed with indignation, ego, and a healthy dose of paranoia will allow things to happen in a country whose inhabitants could never have imagined such a situation just three years ago. If you are one of those people and are reading this, is what you are doing worth the price of your soul? Do you really think that you are “protecting democracy” by doing the things that totalitarians do? Or are you just telling yourself that you are only following orders to protect your pension? How many lives need to be wrecked for you to keep a pension? How much money will let you sleep at night? If you can’t or won’t answer those questions, then you are on your way to joining a long list of people whom history has come to despise. [emphasis added]

So if YOU are on the side of the despots, here, YOU need to take a hard look at your own morality…

And if you, like me, are a small-time dissident whose absence only a handful will even note in passing, you are in grave danger!

And THAT is the point of these despots.

Illegal Immigration Morality

Yes, I think MOST

people with any sense of morality or fairness recognize that immigration is a real problem.

It’s NOT an issue of whether I love this celebrity or that one and what they say. THAT is of little importance. It is an issue of whether I love truth and fairness, regardless of whether or not I like the source! It IS important for me to tolerate hearing a truth I’d rather not face, even if it comes from a person I don’t like.

So if one person calls you a horse, just ignore it. If a second person calls you a horse, just ignore it. But if a third person calls you a horse, go buy hay…

And I think that we ALL should take a hard look at our own morality, at who we really ARE, and not just dismiss and avoid contrary opinions. And we simply can’t take those alternate views seriously very well without directly engaging those who espouse those alternate views, those who believe differently than we do. We need them to hold a mirror up for us to see our selves. There simply IS no salvation in running away!

Word to the wise: DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM CONTRARY VIEWS! The Lefty fever swamps may feel good, but they just hold up to you a picture you want to see–not a mirror. These fever swamps are actually an anesthetic; They are ultimately stifling and antithetical to logic and truth and good sense.

Find someone who will hold up a mirror to you. See, sometimes you need to be willing to go buy hay in order to make progress as a person…

Election Fraud Evil Clown Morality

Oh yeah,

ya think? DUH!

Look, we always knew what this evil clown was doing. Only HUGE fools didn’t understand. They may have liked it, but they understood what was happening.

Now, that leads us directly to questions of personal morality… And Leftists almost always don’t want to confront these very real issues.

Fighting Back Morality

Well, they certainly

deserve no mercy!

Let’s roll!