Political philosophy

Identify a Marxist

with these five easy tricks!

Political philosophy

The standard, Lefty

interpretation of China is that they really stunk, economically, and then Xi applied Socialism/Communism even harder and things improved. But Xi applied Socialism/Communism and it got better. It’s only now that things are going south again, and that more about the global economy than Xi.

But I think that is wrong.

History shows that under Socialism/Communism, China’s economy reeked rocks (as we used to say). But just before Xi there were “market reforms” that, just a bit, loosened the Socialism/Communism, and with freer markets, people did A LOT better. MANY people escaped poverty.

Then Xi came to power, panicked, and once again reverted to hard and strangling Socialism/Communism. With a vengeance. So now millions of people are once again thrust into poverty.

There’s a lesson here for American Leftists! Will they learn it? Magic Eight Ball says, “Outlook not so good.”

Political philosophy

You know,

on the face of things, Libertarianism seems reasonable. And I think its domestic policy pretty much is. Foreign policy? Not so much…

Moral Agency Political philosophy

The TRUTH is

that free speech has become a Right-Wing value.

Little is more obvious than the fact that Leftism is all about squelching opinions you don’t like and forcing people to do what you want, while Conservatism is all about free speech and moral agency. Look at Twitter now, for Pete’s sake!

If you don’t support the right to speak of those with whom you disagree, you are not really for free speech! You are just a wannabe despot. Own it!

Now Conservatives own sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, and Johnny Rotten…

Hypocrisy Political philosophy

Lefty “argument.”

Me: what Democrats did HERE is just wrong and immoral, and YOU have been very silent about it.
Lefty: Yes, yes, it is probably true that it was wrong. But it’s not worth me commenting on—I can’t change it! But you know, Conservatives have done bad things, too. <world weary sigh> Let’s not devolve into simplistic black-and-white thinking and pretend one side is all good and one side is all bad.
Me: Yeah, I’m not AT ALL saying that, or that Conservatives have never done morally wrong things. I’m saying that this particular thing is evil and wrong, and Democrats are all over it like ugly on a hog!
Lefty: (sneeringly) But as your precious Bible says, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I remember that when I was little and forced by my parents into a Catholic grade school for a couple years <shudder>.
Me: Sure, but if I go 68 MPH in a 65 zone and you go 98MPH in that same place, yes, we are both guilty of speeding, but there’s kind of a difference. I think your moral equivalence is just a dodge! I think you are trying to avoid some very tough questions.
Lefty: <sigh> Look, you think your “tribe” is without fault, while mine is 100% evil.
Me: I didn’t say that, nor do I believe it!
Lefty: Look, you are just a bad person, and I’m simply not going to argue with you about this. I am too “pure” to sully myself by arguing with you. See ya. I’m outta here!

You can lead a Leftist to truth, but you can’t make him think…

Political philosophy


pretty much…

Political philosophy

Not exactly

a surprise, now is it?

There is a stereotype of the bitter, cat-lady, Lefty old harpy for a dang good reason!

“In other words, it seems that the happiest women in America today are those least likely to be following the profoundly self-centered and anti-family catechism of our ruling class,” Wilcox argued. 

Political philosophy

To survive long-term,

a government has to be a PRFL (pronounced “perful”). I just made that up, but it’s pretty nice, eh?

But to thrive over the long term, a government needs 4 characteristics:

P= Private Property
R= Rule of law
F= Free and fair markets
L= Limited government

Historically, ANY time a government deviates substantially from these four things, it falls. As a Historical Empiricist, I can look to history for examples. We DON’T look to mere theory to figure out what is good and effective, we look at what has been shown to work in the past!

And historically, PRFL’s work and non-PRFL’s simply don’t.

So ANY time you evaluate a policy, it is wise to see how it stacks up against PRFL. Now PRFL is pretty robust, and can take a few deviations and remain standing. But when things have gone too far, the government that ignores PRFL collapses all of a sudden, without warning.

Governments who ignore or reject PRFL are like a JENGA™ tower–it seems OK at first and it is just fine with some alterations, but as things progress it becomes less and less stable, and eventually unexpectedly comes tumbling down with just one more (seemingly minor) move against PRFL.

So Lefties, you are pulling out JENGA blocks, rendering the whole thing unstable. Stop it!

Political philosophy

There are 4 key things

that throughout history have produced an increasing standard of living:

  1. Private Property
  2. Rule of Law
  3. Free and Competitive markets
  4. Limited Government

Again, we are being historical empiricists, here.

So YOU need to decide what YOU stand for. We already know that these things are absolutely necessary for economic growth. So where are YOU on these issues?

They ALL cut toward Conservatives. Not a single one is even remotely associated with Leftism.

So YOU need to take a look at what we know leads to freedom and what leads to human suffering!

Political philosophy

Well, if there’s

one thing we’ve learned from recent events…