Hypocrisy Lefty meltdown Political philosophy Stooooopid!

Gee, not much

of a sanctuary city, eh?

If anything has ever shown how ignorant the radical left is, this crisis has revealed their stupidity in full flower. The shelter law doesn’t matter if there’s no shelter. Is Adams supposed to declare martial law and evict people from their homes to make room for illegals?

Funny how people always turn to conservative solutions when they are faced with a problem!

As has been said many times, everyone is Conservative about what they know best…

Political philosophy

Understand well

what the Left actually believes. It’s not pretty. And THAT is why there is such an effort to fool the rubes with a bunch of talk of fairies and unicorns.

But don’t YOU be a rube.

Bad Faith Political philosophy

Here is my

concern: Biden becomes a scapegoat for the Left. The horrible economy, the execrable foreign policy, the abysmal domestic policy, the large-scale corruption, the just plain stupid/evil energy policies: They ALL get laid at the feet of the doddering Joe Biden–as if his manifest incompetence is the underlying reason why those policies failed. The Lefty assertion will be, “The policies were good, it’s just that Joe Biden was bad. REAL Leftism would work!”

But don’t fall for that dodge!

The truth is, NO. Those policies totally suck, not just Joe Biden. This is simply trying to weasel out of it by hanging the failures on him. It is not merely that Biden was an incompetent, IT IS THAT THE POLICIES THEMSELVES ARE HORRIBLE! These are not decent polices that have been poorly executed, they are sucky policies in the first place, no matter WHO would have implemented them!

Yeah, it’s a variant of the old saw, “But REAL Communism has never been tried!” Sure, whatever.

So don’t let them hang all this on Senile Old Joe Biden. Leftism itself is the weak link, here. It leads directly to force and coercion and human suffering, which is the final common pathway of ALL Leftism! But the hard Left desperately doesn’t want to be honestly introspective and thus reach that conclusion in themselves. And they certainly don’t want others to notice that truth!

Actual introspection is painful to them. It is an existential threat…

Bad Faith Political philosophy

Where have all the

Liberals gone? It’s a great question.

I come in contact with virtually NO Liberals anymore. Almost all self-professed Democrats are not Liberals at all—merely Leftists. Almost all actual Liberals are now firmly in the Conservative camp.

How did Leftism so capture Liberalism? Well, today’s regular people people are very often NOT deep thinkers. They assume that all that is not Conservative is Liberal. The meaning of the word “Liberal” itself has been twisted almost beyond recognition. And hardcore Leftists have encouraged that sleight-of-hand.

And the current mainstream of illiberal Leftists drives this point home. “Liberalism” is interpreted NOT as a variation of Libertarianism, but as something that is primarily defined as, “not Conservative” and “Licentious.”

Liberalism has most often become just a “team name,” not an actual description of political philosophy! All the while, Democrats have increasingly become far more Leftist, and far less Liberal.

For example, defense of free speech is a Liberal position. Stamping out any free speech with which you disagree is a Leftist one. Debating an issue is a Liberal thing to to. Refusing to discuss, running away, and just calling names is a Leftist thing.

There is a BIG difference!

Political philosophy

Americans are

sorting themselves.

And that is exactly as I have long predicted. It’s not a civil war that will happen (at least right now), it is a great sorting. And that already is happening.

And it is a pretty organic sorting. When people can no longer tolerate each other, they separate. But if Democrats keep insisting on a strong and coercive Federal government, they will “seal” the pressure cooker and hasten a civil war.

And THIS sorting is an overwhelmingly strong argument for Federalism–very strong state and local governance coupled with a very weak central government that is almost 100% focused on defense, foreign affairs, fair and equal rule of law, and interstate trade.

You know, like the framers intended…

No wonder the Democrats did all in their power to kill the “Tea Party!” It VERY directly threatened them.

Lefty Violence Moral Agency Political philosophy

Understand well.

The Left is congenitally violent.

That violence is not a “bug” of Leftism, it is the beating heart of Leftism itself! There simply is no Leftism without at least threatened violence. And often it is not just threatened…

Yes, the Left are (obviously) the theoretical heirs of National Socialism, and the violence and force and intimidation of the Gestapo is quite naturally inherent in Leftism.

Those who are Conservative, OTOH, value freedom and moral agency. Taken to an extreme, it is Libertarian in nature. Conservatives value persuasion and conversion, while Leftists hang their hat on coercion and the lack of moral agency.

Indeed, the lack of moral agency is the defining characteristic of Leftism. Leftism is, at base, a distorted, deformed, evil parody of moral agency.

Captain Obvious Political philosophy

Yeah, that

happens. It is the inevitable bitter fruit of Leftism…

Political philosophy

The difference

is quite obvious to even the dullest among us!

h/t Powerline

Political philosophy

I need a jacket

like this:

Money quote:

The battle to defend normal Americans against the totalitarian onslaught of the Woke will likely be the number one issue in the 2024 presidential campaign, both in the GOP primaries and in the general election. In Ron DeSantis, Republicans have a candidate who not only understands the evil of wokeism, but has a solid track record of defeating it.

Political philosophy

How you can

(possibly) identify a RINO. It’s hard, because like virtually all Leftists, RINOs present in one way while actually being the opposite. They lie (see: “Mitt Romney”).

But there are ways to smoke them out. And abortion is a great marker that reveals a RINO. Maybe the best one.

History has shown that those who avoid the abortion issue will eventually cave on “fiscal” issues also. 

So THAT should prick your ears up, and make your RINO alarm bells go off. Let’s just say that they are avoiding the abortion issue for a reason! Don’t be fooled, and don’t be gaffed off.