Political philosophy Psychopathology





at all a surprise. EVERY hard Leftist I know is a raging narcissist with a very “flexible” conscience so as to justify themselves. Gumby-esque. Every. Single. One.


Yes, yes

he does.

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt!

Cult of Lefty "Environmentalism" Psychopathology

I think we have

ALL just had enough!

I am beyond sick of these lunatics using this fiction to give the government even more control over our lives and run the economy into the ground. This grift has gone on long enough. Like with all of the other leftist cancers eating away at America, it’s too late to get rid of it completely, but it would be nice to cut some of it out.

Ignorance and Arrogance Psychopathology

Yeah, there are

some things I really don’t understand. How does a rational human being get angry at Musk?

Huh? There’s very obviously something else going on, here! Couldn’t be… mindless hackism, could it?


I think I’m

going to have a heart attack and die from that surprise!

Psychopathology Strategy

It’s kind

of… odd, isn’t it? Do you wonder why?

It’s plain as day that the manifesto makes Trans-genders look bad, because if it didn’t, it would have been out already. But I really don’t think it can stay hidden forever. The Left just wants to stay hidden long enough that they can say it’s “old news”once it does come out

Because the manifesto may in fact point not to the sins of the Right but rather to the sins of the Left, there is reason to hide it and avoid the discomfort of self-examination!

Let’s just say that self-examination is NOT any Lefty’s strong suit…

Their goal is to be RIGHT, not to be self-reflective!

See, introspection causes a Lefty pain. They strongly suspect that they are actually not perfect in terms of good and bad, and so they avoid looking–that thunderclap of reality would a HUGE narcissistic injury to them. Because them being right and them being “good” is one and the same.

For usually the same reason a Lefty will avoid ALL debate and discussion with others with contrary ideas Anyone who enters the arena of ideas might find that they are wrong, and Lefties simply could not psychologically tolerate that! So the manifesto must stay hidden. Lefties are far too psychologically fragile to confront the issues that it undoubtedly calls forth.

And there is why it hasn’t come out yet!

If the manifesto were leaked by a merry prankster tomorrow and it is what we all think it is, you would hear a giant shout of “I’m melting!” from the Left.

Lefty Violence Psychopathology

Yeah, totally

NOT a wacko! Riiight.

Look, psychopathology hits pretty much everywhere. But when in a segment it is encouraged and even praised…


Lefties, always


Current Events Psychopathology

It’s a pretty dang

awesome video! There are some strategic changes to the dialogue, so you really gotta watch it!

Look, if there was anything to work with, Muller and all the other investigations would have used it long ago. Mueller certainly had a bunch of vindictive fanatics and unlimited funds! But no, they ALL held off and let some Manhattan DA look stupid a few years later. Remember, we got nothing from years of investigation by Congress, Mueller and his foam-flecked posse, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

And now THIS! It looks like it’s gonna be yet another Wile E. Coyote moment for the Left. And Trump HUGELY benefits.

All the Left has shown is that they are a bunch of freakin’ empty-headed, narcissistic, spittle-lipped nutjobs on a monomaniacal quest for the Holy Grail Trump Hammer.

I think most of us have had juuust about enough of them…