

Lefty Political Strategy

“Yes, of course you’re

right, but we don’t talk about it.”

A prominent Democrat strategist claims that “leading” party members are pressuring him to shut up about President Joe Biden’s low polling numbers in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

… “Nobody is saying, ‘James, you’re wrong,’” he said. “They’re saying, ‘James, you can’t say that.’”

Captain Obvious Lefty Rigidity Malignant Leftism

Sure, but if

you point out how weak Biden is as a candidate, you get immediately slimed by the dyed-in-the-wool Democrat partisans. Independent and critical thinking is simply not allowed in mainstream Democrat circles!

Remember, as a Democrat you don’t have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line…

Current Events

I honestly never

thought I’d live to see this. And it just sickens me. In the near future, it could be you!

.. but as someone said a long time ago, “The gentlemen cry ‘Peace, peace’ but there is no peace.”

I know that many on the Left don’t approve, but they need to start standing up and not supporting Democrats like “The Squad.” I know many Democrats abhor such things, as I do. But then they need to start publicly objecting.

How about Joe Biden lead on this, for Pete’s sake!

MANY Democrats don’t do these things themselves, which is great. But then most of them are silent, tacitly holding the cloaks of those who do…


Yeah, Biden

is a total jerk! Worse, actually, but this is a family blog so I won’t use language that actually describes him. Suffice it to say the he is a morally bankrupt, reprehensible piece of crap!

Fools Lame

Well, that’s

no surprise. He is and always has been a rather foolish man. I don’t know why he ever tried to run in the first place. He was ALWAYS a huge loser who had no chance. He was delusional from the get-go.

What an idiot!

He did not immediately endorse any particular candidate upon dropping out, but did urge Republicans not to follow the “siren song of populism.”

You know, Mikey, that THAT’s why Trump is winning and you are out kicking road apples, right?

Devil: Now you will spend eternity in the hot lava! HA HA HA!
Mike Pence: That is actually not lava; It is underground, so it’s magma.
Devil: You DO realize that’s why you’re here, right?

Well, you will now have plenty time to go have a little coffee klatch with Bill Kristol… His number is 1-800-AYE-SUCK.

So what will he do now? To quote HIM, “That’s not my concern.”



They won’t.

Now it’s possible that they won’t vote at all, but they are NOT voting for Trump en masse. See, it takes a bit of rather deep-ish thinking for that kind of assessment, and many of these young people have been in college–where such skills are neither honed nor encouraged. Quite the opposite. Unfortunately, many older people also unknowingly suffer from that same condition.

So young people just staying home is probably the best thing we could hope for. The world will be a better place if the barely motivated and poorly informed of ALL ages simply don’t vote…

Yet another reason why vote-by-mail sucks so badly! If you’re not motivated enough to get your lard butt off the couch and go vote, you probably shouldn’t be voting in the first place!

Epic fail

What happens

when an electric car goes underwater?

(sorry for the link: I can’t figure out how to embed the video here.)

Current Events

You ALWAYS pay

for fashion! Suffer for vanity

EVs are NOT for working people–we can’t afford this virtue-signaling wheeze!

This is a luxury good–conspicuous consumption in most cases. I think there may be some specific circumstances where it makes good sense, but it is NOT generally good for the masses. It certainly is not good for working pickups or for anyone who drives long distances.

But let’s face it, it’s not viable.

“Green” energy companies and electric vehicle manufacturers rely on governments to force consumers to buy their products, like it or not. But there is a limit to how much of a decline in their standard of living voters are willing to accept for the sake of “green” mythology. Blackouts have already begun (not to mention skyrocketing electricity prices), and as blackouts become more widespread, voters are going to punish the politicians who lied to them about “green” energy. Let’s hope that happens before tens of billions more dollars are poured into the coffers of the cynical “green” industries.

Now if this new Toyota battery that lasts three times as long and takes 10 minutes to charge works out, the calculus is totally different. Let’s just wait and see…



Yeah, I don’t think so.

I think that there is really no question that this is catastrophic for Biden. Sure, there might be some RINO here and there who would vote for RFK, Jr. over Trump, but other than that it would be vanishingly rare.

These guys are just waving their RINO flag. But it’s utter and complete nonsense.