Current Events

The media

campaign to get rid of Mean Joe has now officially begun! Who will be first to stick a shiv in him?

Now let’s not be fooled–the campaign to oust Mean Joe will end QUITE abruptly once he wins the nomination. This is NOT a “conversion,” it is mere tactics…

And here’s the thing: Sure Joe is a senile and mean and stupid old man. We ALL know that. But just what Democrat would replace him? Aye, there’s the rub…


Wow! “The

world’s worst diplomat!”

How bad Biden is is just embarrassing!

The British press is onto him. He is a mean, senile old coot, and the LAST thing we need is him in there mucking things up…

Banana Republic of Brandon Captain Obvious

I very much

believe that the White House is MORE than eager to see Hunter’s sweetheart plea deal finalized.

First, it is indeed a back-door pardon. Oh, Joe could formally pardon him (and he very certainly will, as he goes out the door), but it would be political suicide to do so now.

Second, if (as seems likely) it was Hunter who brought cocaine into the White House, that would almost for sure violate the terms of his plea bargain, and expose him to prison time.

THAT is why the White House is so determined to say it was not Hunter. But, of course, it VERY likely was. There are only a few people the Secret Service does not search as they come in–mainly the family of the President and VP.

Hypocrisy Ignoramuses

Don’t be hypocrites,

Ben & Jerry! Just give your “stolen” land back!

Current Events

Yes, Democrats

are faced with a puzzler: Just when would be the optimal time for Joe Biden to drop out? Its seems pretty obvious to me that he very likely will, But then again, “Dr.” Jill will try to prevent that…

As stated in this space in the past, I don’t believe Biden will be the Democratic nominee in 2024. Now, while the president, his White House and his allies may predictably denounce such speculation as ridiculous or wishful thinking, what if I and others turn out to be correct?

… If Biden does drop out of the race, will he wait too long to do so? And, should that be the case, will Vice President Kamala Harris — whom few Democrats truly have confidence in — get crushed in the general election by the Republican nominee?

Right now Democrats are faced with running an obviously doddering old man, a widely-hated and incompetent and self-entitled VP, a horribly weak and unpopular Democrat Governor–of California!, an outright kook in RFK, Jr. or some no-name doof that we all haven’t even heard of in a Presidential race context.

And it’s even worse if Kamala raises a stink about not being selected–and she will assuredly lose in a primary. She didn’t even make it to the first vote last time! It’s an open question whether selecting her would be worse or better for the DNC.

Election fraud may have its limits…


“Pay your bills

bills like adults!

Good advice. You’re not kids. You may be fools, but you’re not kids!

One individual appearing to be an older male interrupted several speeches shouting “Pay your bills like adults!” and “You are no longer children.” 

Captain Obvious Culture Current Events

Obviously, a man

of the people! Can you even imagine Joe Biden or Gavin Newsom doing something like this? I sure can’t!

And the best part? No sniffing kids and no falling down!

Current Events

Yeah, Biden’s

poll numbers are pretty stinkin’ bad. Even among Democrats! Gear up, because there is more election fraud on the horizon.

Democrats will use the same game plan they used in 2020. Nominate an unpopular candidate, campaign from the basement, hold few rallies with 20-30 people, mail out millions of ballots, insert drop boxes, use voting machines, late night ballot deliveries after the deadline, keep adding votes to the totals for days after the election, and block GOP workers from the counting rooms.

Joe Biden is the worst president in US history. The economy sucks, inflation is skyrocketing, the border is wide open, his family runs an international crime ring, the White House has cocaine, Biden sniffs kids and babies, he can’t finish a sentence, he’s shipping illegal cluster bombs to kill more people in Ukraine, he surrendered to the Taliban and lost US soldiers at the same time.


Yeah Biden is

actually a pretty nasty dude.

Although the reporter here valiantly tries to go along with the narrative that Joey is your nice old grandpa who loves ice cream, she inadvertently reveals what we all know: that he’s an irritable, cruel boss who often treats the press and his subordinates like garbage.

… People on the left need to take off their rose-colored glass and stop pretending we have Mr. Rogers as president—when what we have is a short-tempered, grumpy old man.


Kennedy is

a gem.

It’s clear to anyone who is paying attention that the Biden administration is actively trying to cover up the truth regarding the cocaine that was found in the White House. Not only has the story as to where the cocaine was found changed multiple times, but the administration also curiously refuses to explicitly deny that the cocaine belonged to a Biden family member and hasn’t committed to fully prosecuting the responsible party. Meanwhile, the White House is aggressively setting expectations really low as to whether the culprit will ever be found and blasting the media for questioning whether the cocaine may have belonged to a Biden family member (otherwise known as Hunter Biden.)

… it is unlikely that anyone other than a member of the First or Second Family would be able to get cocaine into the White House, because, as former secret service agent Dan Bongino noted, family members bypass the security checkpoints that other visitors must go through.