Bad Faith Barbaric!

It is utterly

HORRIFYING! And almost none of us would have known to refuse that treatment. We ALL would have gone along with what the doctors told us. And almost all of us of us would have died…

A study in JAMA later revealed a 97.2% mortality rate among those over age 65 put on mechanical ventilators. Patients over age 65 were more than 26 times as likely to survive if they were NOT placed on mechanical ventilators.

Now the numbers don’t account for a few things, like the fact that only the sickest were put on ventilators and people who are 67 are far more fragile than people who are 37. But still, the data are quite striking. And troubling.

Given all the clumsy, self-contradictory arguments about ventilator deaths coming from the medical establishment, you’ve probably gathered that these are not sophisticated crooks. Rather, these are ordinary people who can’t seem to face what really happened. 

Leftists VERY frequently take a riff on the old Adam Savage Mythbusters saying: I reject your reality and substitute my own! Facing the reality of their actions is NOT a strong suit with the Left in general.

Epic fail Evil Clown

Kamala is a

total nightmare!

No wonder why Democrats would rather have a senile Joe Biden than her!

The point is that Harris again seemed unprepared and just incapable of going off-script… She’s just bad at her job

A Butt-Kicking Current Events

See, that is

pretty much true. They got nothing beyond a temporary lifting of the debt ceiling. Democrats got worked, plain and simple. And now Democrats need to deliver the votes.

But what if they can’t?

Well, first of all, for Democrats NOT to support Biden on this would be to completely throw him under the bus. It would be virtually conceding the 2024 general election. It would be the ultimate vote of no-confidence. From his own party, no less. I doubt that he could survive electorally.

Second, Democrats would be rightly blamed for shutting down the government. And Republicans would hammer the ever-living crap out of them for it. They would for sure lose the the Senate, and very likely lose the Presidency, as well.

McCarthy has played his cards very well, indeed.

Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Violence

Well, yeah.

The Left is, by nature, violent. It is the common thread that underlies ALL Leftism.

It is the foundational, defining characteristic of Leftism. Look at history and logic, for Pete’s sake!

Current Events

Just when you

start to despair that high school kids won’t revolt, you see this:

It TOTALLY warms my heart. See, some freakin’ moronic despot hung a tampon dispenser on a high school boys’ room wall, and THIS is what happened.

GOOD! Fight “the man!”


Yeah, because

it WAS.


DeSantis is

speaking my language.

I really want a flat tax!

Bad Faith Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

“A legacy of harm

for hundreds of millions of people.”

Yes, the response to COVID-19 was an unmitigated disaster for the US Federal government as well as local ones (including Trump’s response, as understandable as it was). But the actual science behind such responses was a freakin’ nightmare!

The question is whether the epidemic + government restrictions on freedom was better or worse than the epidemic alone would have been. And the answer is, worse. The net effect of government responses was catastrophically bad. [emphasis added]

We need to pay attention to the science, here! And scientifically, the Left (rather intentionally) made a holy mess of it. A dog’s breakfast.

See, Lefty response was NOT just an inadvertent train wreck–an innocent mistake. No, it was specifically designed to gain power and to subjugate anyone who dared to think differently, or for themselves.

And too many people who should have known better went bleatingly along–because it concretized or reified the biases they already had–it was very literally the divination of their pre-conceived notions. It very quickly devolved into a pure Manicheanistic duality.

And it was easy! All that had to happen (as with medical providers) was for it to be made profitable and easy and painless to go along with, while at the same time there were draconian, even catastrophic repercussions for any rebellion!

Current Events

There IS some

heartburn by some conservatives about the debt ceiling details. And there are indeed some troubling issues in play. We will get more information soon and be better able to judge at that time. Still, it looks like McCarthy has NOT sold conservatives out (as has so often been the case in the past), and in general it appears to be a decent, though not perfect, deal.

The exact details of what is in the deal won’t be known until text is released later on Sunday. But, according to a GOP fact sheet on the bill and Reps. Dusty Johnson (R-SD) and Stephanie Bice (R-OK), the deal would raise the debt ceiling until January of 2025, claw back nearly $29 billion in unspent COVID relief funds and add work requirements to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program up to age 54. It would also claw back the $1.9 billion appropriated to the Internal Revenue Service for the 87,000 new agents, implement a temporary 99% continuing resolution cap until all 12 appropriations bills are passed, and would restart student loan payments in 60-days.

So let’s see. I am cautiously optimistic. McCarthy has been a better Speaker than I expected, a better tactician than I thought, and has been more conservative than I predicted. So I lean toward giving him the benefit of the doubt, here. At least for now. We’ll see how this all shakes out.

But it was NEVER going to be the case that Conservatives were going to get all they wanted.

Epic fail

Why on earth

does Bud Light keep digging themselves a deeper hole?

First rule of holes:  If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!

Stupid. They think that they can just tough this out. Don’t be dumb–just STOP!

Bud Light has decided to double down on its LGBT stance and is now sponsoring several Pride events across the U.S. despite Anheuser-Busch InBev’s market value plummeting to $15.7 billion.


“Meanwhile, the other major publicly traded global beer brands have added $3.2 billion in market value during the same time,” the report adds.

Honestly, how big of a marketing failure IS this? It will be the subject of many a grad-school lectures in the future!

EPIC fail!