
ONLY rebels


And that is scary for me. Because I know me–I am quite likely to have complied. And died.

Ask yourself, if you had an authority figure say to you, “Sit tight, we are getting this thing under control and that barrier is there for a reason.”

What would YOU have done? I’m almost positive I would have just sat tight–and died.

Oh, and water was turned off, the schools were closed, no alarms, and the guy who was in charge at Las Vegas was also in charge t Maui.

I’m telling you, sometimes the authorities are not your friends. Be aware…

Culture Current Events

Yeah, it’s funny

how there is such a backlash in Europe.

And it is happening here, too. I mean, what is the whole Trump thing if not a backlash to the smarmily pedantic and coercive Left?

Culture Current Events Humor

These guys

are truly awesome! Honestly, I am in awe.

Choosing Culture Deliberate Ignorance

Are you “getting”

the cultural shift?

If not, you’re just not watching carefully.

And it leads one to suspect that this is NOT merely a mistake on your part, but a deliberate, willful ignorance–that you are rather defensively trying not to see things as they are.

And certainly there is a spectrum, here. Some people are simply more prone to be hide-bound and defensive than others. And there are several reasons for that.

But if you have eyes that see at all, you realize that things are changing. And you simply can’t straddle the ever-widening cultural divide. No, it’s no longer 1975. You are going to have to leap to one side or the other. The lukewarm, “mushy middle” is rapidly becoming logically and morally untenable.

Chose wisely, grasshopper…

Culture Current Events

The Queen song

Fat-Bottomed Girls” was old when I was in high school. But I remember many a time when my (pretty dang tame) group of friends drove out to the nearby Clay Caves and spent some quality time out there with “The Best of Queen” (and that song) blasting out of the speakers of my friend’s parked truck.

But yeah, Lefty wokescolds ruin everything! I’m so old I remember when Lefties used to be counter-culture!

In the Immortal words of Johnny Rotten:

Culture Current Events

I keep telling

you, we are seeing a cultural shift. And people are starting to realize that those on the Left are “the baddies.”

First Bud Light got absolutely creamed–and it is not over yet. Then Target was next in line for the abattoir. Then David Brooks wondered–however briefly–whether the Left were the “bad guys.”

Oliver Anthony exploded onto the scene with “Rich Men North Of Richmond.” Before that it was Jason Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town.”

…the [Lefty] backlash shows that the fascist far-left is the party of the politically rich and well-connected — the controlling class. It has become the anthem for the rest of us and leftists don’t like it because it illustrates, in musical form, what they have become (but refuse to admit).

Remember when the Left was about counter-culture and the working man? Good times, good times…

The national socialist media is now attacking these counterculture phenomena, free speech, liberty, and the working class itself; and, they’ve always been lying about being liberal, progressive, or democratic for that matter.

Change Culture

I told you.

We are seeing a cultural shift. Country music is leading the charge because their customers tend to be more amenable to these messages. They have taken the ground that “Punkers” once held.

But Leftists would be wise, indeed to pay attention to these cultural changes!

Because this won’t end here: It started with “Try That In A Small Town,” moved to “Rich Men North of Richmond.” And then this. And as I have said, it isn’t over–not by a long shot.

I mean, do you think that country music artists, having seen what voicing protest to brutal Lefty dominion does, won’t do a lot more of it? And do you think that will not spark now-silent other people?This is just starting.

Change Culture

You know,

it’s a nightmare for the Left. Let’s call it The Revenge of the unwashed masses.

There’s a new singer on the scene who has no agent, record label or marketing muscle behind him. He’s a virtual unknown, but by the power of social media his music explodes on the iTunes charts.

And Lefties, do you think he will be the last one? You might think that, but to quote a recent song, “I recommend you don’t.”

So why are Leftists so angry about this?

Because it marks a cultural shift away from Leftism. Leftists have become the hidebound and coercive fuddy-duddies while Conservatives have become the plucky, truth-telling rebels.


They are


Gen Z teens are very practical, writes Bruno Manno on The 74. In the recent Question the Quo survey, high school students say they want to develop knowledge and skills that will expand their career options, including “financial literacy, communication, problem-solving and understanding their own and others’ emotions.”


First “Try That In

A Small Town” and now this. I could be wrong, but I think that we may be seeing the front edge of a “preference cascade.” Are we seeing a cultural shift? And do you think that other artists might go down that same path now that they’ve seen that it pays?

It’s a battle cry for people who want to resist the control of big money and big government but know they are losing the fight. They resent being investigated by the FBI as potential terrorists when they speak out at school board meetings or affiliate with a traditional branch of the Catholic Church. They see a government eager to prosecute political candidates from one party but not the other. They see violent street riots go unprosecuted and the southern border left open in violation of the law, fairness, and public safety. They see their children shut out of public schools for over a year by teachers unions and so-called experts with more power than evidence.

Leftists are mad that regular people are pushing back, but Leftists have never even become remotely aware of the real anger they have engendered. It is a serious blind spot for them, and they are just clueless about it.

They are that one guy who thinks he’s really cool and drives an older Camaro (“a serious muscle car”) and wears bell-bottoms. But when he walks into the party everyone rolls their eyes and wonders who the crap invited him.