Culture Justice

The combination

of Lefty violence and lax law enforcement is a powder-keg of vigilanteism.

I’ve said this over and over and over before. Vigilanteism is bad, don’t get me wrong. But it is understandable, and it is a HUGE cultural meme–there have been few dramas in the last 200 years that were not rooted firmly in vigilanteism. Probably RomCom (not drama) is the only genre that is NOT expressly vigilante-driven. And even then vigilanteism may well be there in some limited measure…

I mean, think about it! Even in modern literature. What is The Order of the Phoenix but a vigilante group? When Harry thought Sirius was in danger, he didn’t call the police…

Look, when people feel that the laws are not being fairly and evenly applied and that they or loved ones are in danger or unfairly treated because of it, you get vigilanteism. Good and fair police work and an overriding fair rule of law prevent vigilanteism.


Honestly, there

is nothing that crap-eating “wokeness” won’t kill. The Indiana Jones franchise is now a weak and insufferable parody of itself.

Here’s the iron rule: Didacticism utterly destroys whatever art it infects.

That is NOT to say that there can’t be moral or persuasive art–there can be. It’s just that in that case the didacticism is greatly secondary to the artistic expression itself–it is an organic outgrowth of the artist’s way of being in the world, not a ham-handed “lesson.”

How is it that these people don’t know this LONG understood issue? Even something as non-crucial as Greedo being altered so he shoots first. Scene ruined. And Han Solo’s character arc was hugely diminished.

JK Rowling famously did the same thing to the end of the final “Harry Potter” book, and it was jarringly discordant with the story arc. The result? The ending of the last book was a loser and that ineptitude infected the entire second half of the book. It was lame. It was hectoring, it was not being true to the characters. She couldn’t stick the landing. Therefore, many people just pretend that the last one was not written–at least the second half.

It’s a hazardous path. When an author or other artist crams an unruly character to fit into the Procrustean bed of his or her socio-political belief system, the work virtually always ceases to be compelling.

The work becomes a lesson from an old ruler-wielding schoolmarm, not art.

Culture Current Events

Yes, we are

seeing a pretty drastic shift, here. It’s a big deal.

Next, Chevron Deference bites the dust, striking an even more staggering blow to the bureaucratic state…

Culture Stooooopid!

Folks, behold

the definition of, “PWNED!”

THAT, my friend, is a full-body burn! I’m not sure Kimmel’s getting up after that. Is he dumb as a sack of hair? Apparently…

I think he is just mad that Hollywood and the movie theaters shut down because of COVID and nobody in the public cared one bit!

Where are the young movie stars to pull the movies out of the crapper? I can think of a few, but you can count them on one hand and have fingers left over.

Quick! Name a big movie star under the age of 50. And remember, Tom Cruise turns 61 in a couple of days. Daniel Craig is 55. Jackie Chan is just a few months shy of 70. Harrison Ford turns 81 in two weeks or so. Maybe Angelina Jolie, who is only 48–but I’m not sure she really counts.

But Chris Pratt does–he is only 44. Are there others that leap to the minds of people who are not Hollywood aficionados?


Words of

wisdom from Mr. Rogers.

He couldn’t do that song today, now could he? Funny how drastically things have changed in just a few years.

Many, perhaps most, Lefties self-describe themselves as not having changed. But is there any question that they indeed have?


Living for

a week in a hotel has really opened my cultural eyes. Like most hotels, this one offers a REALLY crappy breakfast (which I tried the first day and have never been back), and the MSU (Mendelian Spousal Unit) has noticed that very few people there interact with other humans at all—they just look at their phones.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am NOT a Luddite. Back in the day I used to build computers for myself. I was a very early PC owner. I have a smart phone. I am writing this on a tablet. Later today, I will Internet in to work, using firewalls and a VPN.

But here at breakfast, it was QUITE clear that people were in crowds, but totally socially isolated. It seems that their love for their fellow human beings has grown cold. It was not a calculated hatred for others—it was garden-variety disinterest.

Culture Current Events

You know, THIS

is how the sexual mutilation of kids stops.

It ends, like “Recovered Memory” before it, because it quickly becomes too legally risky to do. A few surgeons will be successfully sued and lose their livelihoods and licenses, and others will avoid this risk like the plague that it is. Hospital administrators just won’t tolerate the risk, either.

Then this will join the dustbin of history, along with recovered memories, lobotomies, and thalidomide. I’m old enough to have seen this mania before…



it’s time!

The day of the “Melvin Milquetoast” Conservative is OH-VAH! It’s time to stand up for what is right.

That is NOT license to be rude or demeaning–I don’t approve of that or think it is good at all. But I do think it is important to openly stand up for what is right and to resist evil.


Bud’s nightmare

goes on.

See, now we’re into culture. Who wants to buy Bud Light for their BBQ? Who would be caught dead with a Bud Light?

Culture GetWokeGoBroke

I think

“Woke Fatigue” is a real thing. I DO think the wokesters’ 15 minutes of fame is rapidly drawing to a close. The whole Lefty wokester song and dance is getting pretty dang long in the tooth. And rather annoying.

It’s old and stale–regular people just aren’t going to buy it much longer. They are already turning away. Look at the data: Bud Light is tanking, and is probably a dead man walking (InBev will replace it). Target is bleeding out, perhaps on the way to K-Martville. The NFL has seriously offended their fans, who are becoming less and less willing to spend on their team. And baseball?

I used to eat at Chick-Fil-A with the Mendelian Spousal Unit (MSU) at least twice a month–but I haven’t gone there at all since they crumped and went woke.

They pooped in the proverbial soup.

So can these companies outlast the righteous indignation? I don’t know–we shall see…