Epistemology Media Flying Monkeys

Understand well,

“unverified” is code for, “This is known but we really don’t want to report it.” It doesn’t apply to things they want, no matter how dubious.

Please, don’t be a dupe and fall for it! These guys often lie to you, and right as it comes out there is simply no way to know what is true and what isn’t. So here we see the problem with lying: One then never really knows if they are telling the truth or not, so the whole thing is suspect.

It’s like saying, “There’s just a little poop in the soup–less than 1%!” So tell me, do you want a spoonful?

Years ago a Lefty buddy talked about how yes, he subscribes to the NY Times but it’s not like he believes everything they say. So I asked him just how he knows what to believe and what to reject. How does one discern between what is True and what isn’t?

He would no longer be my buddy after that…

Media Flying Monkeys

A graphic representation

of the Flying Monkey MSM:

Elections Media Flying Monkeys

The MSM is finally

cluing in to just how unpopular Joe Biden is with a HUGE mass of regular people. And it is a stunning revelation to them that it is different than the Lefty “bubble” they have long been ensconced in. Their chronic avoidance of any view contrary to their own has left them sputtering and in shock.

And their unwillingness to logically defend their beliefs has left that particular skill totally atrophied for them. They have become intellectual and logical cripples through disuse and outright avoidance of argument.

And no place is that avoidance more evident than with the MSM. But the harsh reality is dawning on a few, now. It is nothing short of a thunderclap for them.

On Friday’s episode of Morning Joe, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was left in shock after learning Biden’s polling numbers are looking bleak as the president seeks another four years in office. 

… According to a Marquette Law School survey, 51 percent of voters prefer Trump in the White House, compared to 48 percent who want Biden to serve another four years. 

And the election is over a year away. So things are entirely likely to get much, much worse for Biden. It sure ain’t gonna get better! No, these perceptions and preferences have started to harden. Even minority voters are, at best for Biden, getting less and less enthused about Biden.

And with Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House? Wow!

That said, it is too soon to call it over. Now is NOT the time to take the foot off the gas. And Democrats have successfully engaged in mass cheating before–and you can bet that they will again. We need to be active and vigilant.

So yes, there are hopeful signs. But evil is not easily defeated…

Current Events Media Flying Monkeys

Look, Joe,

the MSM have done all they can for you! Don’t be an ingrate!

President Joe Biden suggested Friday that the media is choosing to selectively cover negative sentiment regarding Bidenomics.

For months, if not years, Biden’s economic polling has been underwater, but a new poll from NBC showed just 38% approving of his economic policies, a low mark for his term in office. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump has surpassed Biden among voters under 45 in a poll from PBS NewsHour, driven primarily by discomfort with the current economy.

Media Flying Monkeys

“Edges out?”

There is a reason why the institutional Left is trying SO frantically to keep Trump from running by making up charges against him! They know that in an election reasonably free from massive voter fraud Trump will totally kick Biden’s butt!

Media Flying Monkeys

Yes, the anticipation

is so great you could cut it with a knife!

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Your MSM

flying monkeys at work. Biden giving marching orders to his myrmidons.

Get the palace guard! Joe Biden’s crimes are coming to light! EMERGENCY!!!

It’s time for the revenge of the amanuenses. Yes, the MSM are not originators or creators, they are just scribes for the Left. Just following orders taking dictation, sir!

Media Flying Monkeys

Yes, the White House

is trying to get their MSM henchmen to fulfill their role as the palace guard and save Joe Biden.

“This is not OK,” journalist Matthew Keys tweeted. “The White House should not be encouraging, influencing or interfering in the editorial strategies of America’s newsrooms, including CNN and the New York Times.”

The MSM flying monkeys are already in the air. The White House has called a RED ALERT!

But aren’t you tired of these dishonest and partisan goons lying to and manipulating you?

Corruption Media Flying Monkeys

Sure, the “Palace Guard”

lapdogs of the MSM try to hide it, but the truth is painfully obvious to all but the most rigid of Democrat partisans!

Seems the “nothingburger,” as the progressive press likes to call the Hunter Biden saga, is turning into a Whopper. 

Current Events Dishonesty Media Flying Monkeys

LOTS of SoCal

people saying that the hurricane was WAY overblown by the MSM. There was, according to them, there was some cloudiness and a little rain. But nothing unusual. My sister texted me a photo from outside her house in San Diego that showed… cloudiness. The horror!

It appears that the footage used by the MSM was actually footage from a Universal Studios “disaster” ride! Many people recognized it. People are saying this was all just a big hoax. People in SoCal are saying it was a light, refreshing rain. The footage is cherry-picked and mainly from Mexico or from the past, and while it does show current flooding from blocked drains, there is no wind in the background. Huh.

But why? Why hoax this stuff?

Because it can be used as a “Global Warming” cudgel. So for the Left, it has to be bad!

And this speaks to how distrustful we have become of the MSM. And then we catch them in a lie, and their credibility goes down yet another notch! So we are distrustful for good reason–they lie.