Corruption Deliberate Ignorance

See, Lefties will

keep whistling passed this graveyard. The Lefty way is just to pretend that nothing has happened.

But the corruption here is truly astounding. It is evil on a cosmic scale! And while many Lefties pretend to be moral, upstanding people, I’m not sure how you can now even convince yourself of that and yet support Biden!

Honestly, how is it done?

Current Events

Is this the

thin edge of the wedge? Doubt it. It’s all Kabuki theatre…

Murkowski replied, “I tell you, if it’s a matchup between Biden and Trump, I know exactly where I’d go. I would go with, I would go with Joe Manchin.”

Please note that Murkowski is a RINO. She is NOT a Democrat (formally at least). Wake me when several Democrats say they would vote for Manchin over Biden. ‘Cuz that ain’t happening right now. Murkowski is just trying to turn Republicans away from the Republican nominee. It’s a scam, a ruse! She is lying. DUH!

Biden is dead in the water if Manchin runs. Trump? Not so much. A bit of damage, but it would pale in comparison to the damage Biden would face.

And THAT is why I don’t think Manchin actually will run. He is too much of a hard Lefty stooge to stand up and run because he thinks it is right. I think we ALL know by now to never trust Joe Manchin.

We already know that he quickly crumps when faced with Democrat cajoling. I mean, he folded like the proverbial cheap tent and voted for Biden’s massive spending and inflation bill–stabbing the WV coal miners in the back! And this after earnestly assuring the coal miners that he wouldn’t hose them over and vote for that pig…

And Murkowski is playing her role with vigor and aplomb. But don’t be fooled, this is ALL just a DNC script.

As always, Manchin will pretend to actually stand for something, but puh-leez—it is as real and unscripted as the talent contests on TV or professional wrestling. Yeah, that hooker has really “loved you long time!” Don’t be a buck-toothed hayseed! Manchin won’t actually run! You can take THAT to the bank.

Trust me, the ending has already been written. Manchin won’t run.


The documents

are dropping. And Democrats are dropping bricks…

The confidential human source says that he dealt with the very top people at Burisma, including that company’s founder and CEO. He was told that Burisma paid Joe and Hunter Biden $10 million to take care of problems associated with the prosecutor, Shokin, who was investigating corruption at Burisma. This is the prosecutor whom Joe Biden bragged about getting fired.

Bad Faith

We are now

facing the death of expertise and trust. Democrats have squandered it.

Because they have been dishonest, as well as coercive. And now we are finding out about it. But we ALL know who they really are, now.

Corruption Crime

There’s a TON

of money in corruption. Ask Joe Biden. He didn’t get rich by being the sharpest tool in the shed!

Burisma Holdings paid the Biden family business $7.3 million over the course of many years, including when President Joe Biden was vice president, IRS agent Joseph Ziegler told Congress.

Corruption Cover-up!

Yeah, OF

COURSE they did!

If you don’t understand that, you might as well write “naïf” across your forehead with a Sharpie. Intellectually, you would top out at kicking road apples!

Bad Faith Deception Hypocrisy

Yeah, Democrats!

Get over it! Don’t go into your manufactured “where’s-my-fainting-couch?” routine. YOU support what Hunter is doing and then pretend to be affronted by images of… what YOU support!

YOU advocate far worse in schools! I mean, what does MTG think this is, an elementary school library! Give me a freakin’ break!

Yeah, I’m FAR from impressed by your stupid schtick, Lefties…

The sheer hypocrisy is both disgusting and amazing! Sorry, I am not so stupid as to fall for your theatre-of-the-absurd prancing and preening and pontificating. Talk about faux outrage!

Yet there is no shortage of greasy long-haired Democrat Portland dupes (and their weaselly sympathizers) who will gulp this crap down like it was watered-down Bud Light. More’s the pity…

Current Events

Yeah good idea.

Just stop pissing everyone off!

I have NO problem with these idiots getting a face full of shut-the-crap-up!

People have just had enough! We have seen morons who glued their hands to walls and streets having their hands summarily ripped off–and it is glorious. And dang funny!

Don’t give in to these bastards! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…

Hypocrisy Lefty meltdown Political philosophy Stooooopid!

Gee, not much

of a sanctuary city, eh?

If anything has ever shown how ignorant the radical left is, this crisis has revealed their stupidity in full flower. The shelter law doesn’t matter if there’s no shelter. Is Adams supposed to declare martial law and evict people from their homes to make room for illegals?

Funny how people always turn to conservative solutions when they are faced with a problem!

As has been said many times, everyone is Conservative about what they know best…

Buffoons Lefty Political Philosophy

Funny how

that is, eh?