
Yes, that is

the worst scenario for Democrats.

One Democratic lawmaker, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, raised the prospect that Biden could secure the nomination, then have to drop out for health reasons. “The worst-case scenario is we get past the nominating process with President Biden as the nominee, and then he’s no longer able to continue on as the nominee,” the lawmaker said. “That’s the nightmare scenario for Democrats.”

Unfortunately, only the good die young. So Biden is totally safe.


Wyoming schools

tell Biden to kiss off!

This goes FAR beyond guns. The issue is just who has the right to tell local schools what to do.

But “Biden” is running a con as old as time:

Back when the Vikings were busy pillaging English villages, the English raised a special tax called the Danegeld — as in “Danish gold.” The Vikings would show up, and either they’d collect the Danegeld or get on with the serious business of raping and pillaging. The locals could put up a fight but it was usually easier to pay up. Once the Danegeld was paid, however, the Vikings knew which villages were easy marks — and they’d be back for more.

Hence the old expression, “Once you pay the Danegeld, you’ll never be rid of the Dane.”

… But the “free” money always comes with strings attached. Worse, the strings only increase over time. And even worse than that is the implicit threat that the money will stop. That’s what Biden’s Department of Education is doing to archery and hunting programs: do as we say or you don’t get the money.

… The modern American formula of the old English expression is, “Once you take the Danegeld, you’ll never be rid of the Dane.”

Biden-induced misery Economy


Epic fail.

Say, is this Bidenomics? Yeah pretty much…

Current Events

Will hospital

workers strike? That would be a bad thing in any ways.

Voter Fraud

So when are we

as a people going to start standing up against voter fraud? Just when, huh?

In Connecticut, Bridgeport has long been one of those cities that Democrat state-wide candidates can rely upon for “midnight magic” — those last-minute miraculous discoveries of boxes of uncounted ballots that put them over the top in an election. It’s so bad that, in 2012, an infuriating video made the rounds in which then-Mayor Bill Finch joked around with Democrat candidate (now U.S. Senator) Chris Murphy about securing his win over Republican rival Linda McMahon. “Always, always,” Finch can be heard saying of his city. “We may be a couple days late, but you can be guaranteed you’re going to get the votes.”

You know the drill: A half-baked “investigation” that goes on and on and then once the heat subsides after a few years… nothing. That’s how this works. Maybe some “blue-on-blue” action will get the ball rolling. But probably not…

The Connecticut Post reported on Saturday that the Bridgeport Police Department had opened an investigation into the actions depicted in the video footage and a parallel investigation into how the Gomes campaign came into possession of the footage (emphasis added).

Yep! That’s how it works! You blow the whistle and YOU get investigated…

Age-related decline

Yes, flashing

red lights.

Monday’s CBS Mornings decided to do its best David Ignatius impression by providing their liberal viewership with what could only be described as flashing emergency lights in the form of CBS’s latest polling showing that not only did former President Trump have a one-point national lead over President Biden, but it showed only 34 percent of voters believed Biden could finish a second term (which would end in 2028).

… In the graphic but not in Cordes’s voice-over, another 44 percent of voters believed Biden would quit before the end of a hypothetical second term whereas only 16 percent see it as a possibility for Trump.

Grim. Grim for the foam-flecked anti-Trump crowd.

And is this “battlefield prep” for a Biden withdrawal? You know he is legally hosed if the next President is a Republican, right? I mean, look at what the House alone is doing!


Yes, I agree.

There are many problems with a Newsom candidacy. But none are so gnarly as the Kamala Harris problem. Indeed, it is a Gordian knot. In other words, like cutting through the knot was the solution for Alexander The Great, I strongly suspect that Kamala is in a lot more mortal danger from the DNC than from Conservatives.

Conservatives want her to run! The DNC? Not so much…

The really big sticking point in the “Magic Newsom” scenario is Vice President Kamala Harris. Not one person I know who insists that Newsom will eventually be the nominee has mentioned how he or she thinks Madame Veep is going to be out of the picture. It’s merely assumed. It’s like saying, “I’m going to be rich,” and not having an answer when people ask you what your job is.


Honestly, I don’t

get it. Well, I don’t see an innocent explanation. Oh, I sure get it if one assumes malice. And it’s getting very hard to assume otherwise…

Bad Faith

How you KNOW

the Left is scared. THAT is why they are doing this. DUH! This sums up my feelings precisely:

So, like John Nolte, I have absolutely no idea whether Russell Brand is a serial rapist. If he is, he should be prosecuted and sent to prison, not just pilloried in the polite press and de-platformed. But as a first impression, I am not impressed by stories told by anonymous women about something that supposedly happened ten or fifteen years ago. Brand may or may not have anything useful to say, but in any event, he has the right to say it.

Current Events

Oh, absolutely!

Yes, he is a Lefty kook. Always has been. Conservatives have sympathy for him because a panicked Left is freaking out about what a threat he is to them. Remember how they conspired to kick Bernie Sanders to the side? THAT is what is happening here! And for the exact same reason.

It’s just that Sanders got on his back and showed the DNC his belly in hope that they would rub his tum-tum! I suspect that RFK, Jr. won’t do that. We shall see…

So while I am a fan of free speech and it is just delicious to see Democrats squirm like a worm on a hook, let’s not be confused—This RFK, Jr. guy is a Lefty wacko. Of course, so is “Biden” (we are legion). At least RFK, Jr. seems to be relatively honest about who he is!