Political philosophy


Yeah, Leftism is the political philosophy of human misery. Be a little bit of a historical empiricist, for Pete’s sake!

Political philosophy

The only unforgivable

sin for Democrats is being a loser.

Despite any confusion Biden might have about his current predicament, his question is an easy one to answer. The Washington-Infotainment Complex is finally taking notice of Biden’s ethical troubles, and Biden is starting to look like a loser. And while lefties can tolerate almost anything from petty corruption to the massacre of innocents in Israel, they will not tolerate a loser.

Political philosophy Straddle

Open RINOs like Christie

and Romney and Graham are simply a rapidly dying breed. And most people are just sick of these smarmy charlatans–they are pretty much hidebound flunkies for the cause of evil. They are not usually deliberately evil, but they are easy pickin’s for fundamentally evil causes wearing a pleasing mask–they show unbounded naïveté and are therefore prime “marks.” They are un-evolved throwbacks to a political Jurassic era. They really have no moral anchor–so they easily fall for anything. And VERY few people even like them. On either side.

Conservatives rightly see them as fools and traitors, and Leftists correctly see them as sometimes useful and easily manipulated (though unreliable) allies. They are prototypical “straddlers.” They are NOT fully Left or Right, but in the “mushy middle” and have no strong moorings to anything. So they are unstable and therefore untrustworthy.

And like the dinosaurs, they can’t (and won’t) adapt–and they surround themselves with yes-men, and are never intellectually challenged on their positions.

So the day of their power and influence is rapidly coming to a close–they have become intellectually “flabby” because they ONLY preach to the choir and to spasmodically nodding yes-men.

And it’s just not in their nature to change–they will never leave the DC swampy primordial ooze and walk upright. Their political philosophy is therefore now an electoral dead-end. Yes, voters have changed, but not these dinosaurs!

Anti-Semitism Political philosophy

“The Squad” is

destroying the Democrat party.

Democrats are losing the Gaza War because of four women: Larry Omar, Moe Tlaib, Curly AOC and Shemp Pressley. They are the biggest anti-Semite recruiters in the Democrat Party since Nathan Bedford Forrest formed the KKK.


Most rational and moral people are just disgusted by “The Squad’s” anti-semitism.

Political philosophy

Uh, yeah,

just why?

And I think that is a question many people need to ask themselves.

Do I vote Democrat out of either tradition or personal aggrandizement–to show that I am “different?” Just WHY do I vote Democrat?

People need to ask themselves some hard questions and not just float unthinkingly along.

I actually think that we are at the beginning of a considerably greater re-alignment than most people now realize, and that by far the larger movement will be from left to right.

Political philosophy


Pretty much…

I’ve repeatedly told you that it doesn’t make one bit of difference–the Democrats will howl and whine about any Republican who takes power. It is as certain as the sun rising in the East.

LESSON: Don’t compromise one little bit. Get the meanest S.O.B. who represents you and take ALL you can! Because Democrats in general don’t actually want to work together; That is just a strategic ploy used to stop you from doing what is right and give them more power. That’s ALL it is!

For Democrats as a whole, “compromise” just means Republicans crumping. Your desire to “go along to get along” is interpreted as mere weakness. They don’t “compromise” at all. They only do what they are forced to do. A “death-bed repentance” is simply not a compromise. Crying “uncle!” under duress is NOT a compromise. It is merely a strategic fallback position.

So my advice: Be polite, be kind. But do what is right regardless of the Lefty whining. Sorry, but they are NOT your friends and they certainly don’t have the best interests of the country at heart. Their whining is ONLY about them not having power, and nothing more. It is the shrieking of the damned in other words–there IS no real intent to change–only to avoid consequences.

They have adopted a Post-Modern view of the world: There is no right and wrong or morality or good and bad. There is only power and the ability to wield it.

Just know what you’re dealing with, here.

Malignant Leftism Political philosophy

See, Lefties are NOT

true to the democratic process. They are merely concerned about outcome, not process. In short, for Lefties the process is subservient to outcome. Thus we get the coercive and dictatorial “edge” to Leftism.

This “edge” blooms into a poisonous flower once their restrictions are taken away. They are held in check ONLY by Constitutional restrictions. If there is no “hard backstop,” you get Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, and Adolph Hitler. In other words, you get Lefty monsters.

Well did the founding fathers note that men are NOT angels, and there needs to be rule-based institutional limitations on power. Lefties generally have not learned this lesson, and have (at least publicly) taken a hopelessly naïve and Pollyanna-ish view of humans.

But that is a ruse–a game of 3-card Monty that fools the unwary and unwise. Just below the surface, of course, it is merely scheming for power and revenge!

ANY political system that depends on the “goodness” of leaders in order to function is for sure going to fail miserably. Do NOT put your trust in men. There are “good kings” and bad (and a million shades of gray in between), and you never know what you will get next. Put your trust in guard-rails and institutional limitations, not in men.

Political philosophy

THIS is the final

common pathway of ALL leftism. Yeah, it’s pretty dang bizarre.

Now I can just hear the more run-of-the-mill Lefties whining about how they are not so extreme, that all this is just the Right trying to tar them with guilt by association.

But it isn’t. This is the logical endpoint of Leftism. So there is lots of squawking by hit pigeons, but it is inarguably true. There just IS no natural “backstop” to Leftism. Once you go down that rabbit hole, THIS is what you eventually become unless YOU stop yourself.

Political philosophy

It seems so

counter-intuitive, yet it is SO pervasive! So why? These guys chuck homosexuals off rooftops and yet the Left LOVES them and defends them? Why do western Leftists love them so? I mean, Muslims usually have no love for them and would immediately toss them off rooftops if they could! So why?

It is a complicated story. But one key part of that story is the way that civil rights, which began as a cause, became an ideology. Eventually that ideology metastasized into “anti-racism,” a radical legal doctrine that scholar John McWhorter suggests is nothing less than a secular “religion.” 

I think that is pretty much correct. The Left freely engages in a modern-day pseudo-religious Manicheanism, a black-and-white style of thinking, where ALL who don’t agree with them are seen as…. threatening heretics. Leftists are, at heart, religious extremists.

In other words, for a Leftist, disagreement with them is itself proof of being “bad” and wrong and evil. And they must be rigid and vigilant and even extreme or the “evil” Conservatives might overcome the “righteous” Leftists! And no act is morally wrong or too extreme when implemented in the service of stamping out these dangerous wrong and heretical ideas. Manicheanism.

A Conservative may see a Leftist as being wrong, but not necessarily evil (though of course some are)–the only real arbiter of right and wrong is data, a historical empiricism, if you will. In general, though, Conservatism is pretty darn live-and-let-live.

But for a Leftist, they may (may) casually admit that throwing gays off rooftops is, uh, problematic, but those on the Right who openly disagree with them are evil heretics who are threats and who must be destroyed! Of course, they face no imminent threat of being thrown off a rooftop. At least not right now. THAT is the “cheap grace” of American Leftism!

We’ve seen the progression of Leftism. It started as a cause. Then it grew into an ideology. And then it metastasized into a secular religion, complete with doctrine, heretics, absolution, indulgences, and a “priestly” class. And THAT is where we are now…

Lefty Culture Political philosophy

Leftists are

getting a bit restless. Skittish, even. As well they should.

It’s pretty dang clear: Trump looks vigorous and capable. Biden looks like death warmed over. He looks to be held together with hope, crossed fingers, and bailing twine. And Trump’s policies were certainly FAR better for regular people than Biden’s

The contrast could not be clearer: Leftism leads to misery while Conservatism leads to peace and plenty. In fact, this is perhaps the most devastating comparison: It is quite clear now that Leftism leads to human misery while Conservative practices lead to prosperity and happiness. The data are in. Will YOU blithely dismiss these facts?

See, Leftists could ignore the incontrovertible fact that the USSR was an economic basket case– lots of excuses about how it was not real Communism and such. Poppycock! I think we should take a hard look at the facts. Leftism has never worked! Never.

We should look at the very clear results! It’s not really arguable–the data are in. Now it’s true that hard Leftists are famously more tightly and even rigidly tied to their ideology than to empirical evidence. But is it even possible to dispute it now?

The best argument by a Leftist I have heard is: “The economy is cyclical, and it just happened that this ‘down’ time fell under a hard Left President.”

Yes, yes, but it always happens this way! It is clearly more than just a coincidence. When I lose 100 times out of 100, maybe it isn’t just chance. In scientific (or statistical) terms, this is a non-random finding. Something is going on, here!